In exchange, he will ferry the gang to Bronte's mansion. John, who thinks they still need more money, talks to Arthur and tells him that he hears of a herd of sheep coming in. Unfortunately for them, the stagecoach turns out to be owned by Cornwall, who has hired a small army of private mercenaries to protect the stagecoach. At some point, the gang hears that the O'Driscolls have planned a truce meeting for Dutch and Colm. Lorsque la rencontre se termine, Arthur et Charles embarque Monroe et une fusillade éclate. They then slay several guards on the walls, before attacking the army and fighting their way into the jail. After wrestling Micah off him and taking back his knife, Micah takes out his own blade and the two engage in a knife fight. Buck Antler Trinket RDR2 Online – Dane Topaz Necklace Locations. Arthur will steal documents relating to him, before fleeing the mansion and meeting up with the rest of the gang. Cependant en entrant dans le bâtiment, Milton la capture. Alors que des trombes de neige tombent dans les montagnes, ils cherchent un endroit où pouvoir s'abriter et établir un campement à partir de leurs caravanes. Un groupe important de membres de la bande attaque le manoir Braithwaite et, après un long combat, sort Catherine Braithwaite de sa demeure. The men are forced to fight their way out of the barn and into the forest, where they engage some of Cornwall's men in combat before escaping back to camp. Américaine By Daaafbon. Avec Milliken, les deux personnages se dirigent vers l'entrée de la prison. The three gang members enter the house, and after almost starting a gunfight with his men, they strike a deal: John and Arthur will deal with a group of grave-robbers, and in exchange, Bronte will give Jack back. Arthur volunteers to catch him and succeeds, with the O'Driscoll (whose name is Kieran being imprisoned at the gang's camp and given no food. Arthur lui répond qu'il est d'accord, et John dit que Abigail pense savoir où Dutch cache l'argent de la bande, Arthur dit alors qu'elle doit s'en assurer. Rains Fall asks Arthur and Charles to come along, and Arthur agrees due to pleading from Charles. du jeu Red Dead Redemption II dans son wiki. Arthur participe donc à l'attaque de ce train, propriété de Leviticus Cornwall, un puissant industriel qui, suite à cette attaque, engage la Pinkerton pour retrouver Dutch et les siens. Elle lui annonce que son mari, M. Linton, est mort récemment. La tombe d'Arthur est visitable par John en 1907, le niveau d'honneur d'Arthur au moment de sa mort a une incidence sur la tenue de sa tombe. Dutch then grabs her, and kills her, prompting dismay from Arthur. She says that she wants to survey the prison to make sure that John is actually there before launching a rescue attempt, and has paid a hot air balloon operator, Arturo Bullard, to give Arthur a tour. Arthur se réveil sur une plage de l'île de Guarma et cherche de la civilisation. Cependant, elle demande à son ancien compagnon d'aider son frère Jamie, qui a été endoctriné par une secte. Elle a engagé Arturo Bullard, le pilote d'une montgolfière pour faire un tour avec Arthur. Dutch, seeing an opportunity to damage the government, agrees. Elk Antler Trinket Are NOT showing up in my perks list after crafting them. Pendant ce temps, Arthur emmène l'Oncle, Karen, Mary-Beth et Tilly à Valentine où il aide successivement deux des trois femmes à régler les problèmes qu'elles se créer. Red Dead Wiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Jeux vidéo. Arthur is forced to help Weathers defend the wagon, but the wagon is set alight by a lantern and destroyed. Finalement, Mary et ce dernier finissent par se séparer à cause du train de vie dangereux du hors-la-loi. Arthur fouille la maison avec Dutch et trouve des vivres. Bill, Hosea, Arthur et Dutch se rendent à la soirée organisée par le maire de Saint Denis, Henri Lemieux. All beds can be slept in, most of the cabinets are stashed with loot, and there is a working campfire outside of each house for crafting. Arthur then gets into the poker game with Desmond Blythe and some others on the boat, and with Strauss's help in cheating, Arthur wins. Arthur is called on by Dutch and Micah to go help them confront Cornwall in Annesburg. Morgan part à West Elizabeth, près de Blackwater, en terrain dangereux (la bande étant très recherchée dans cette région) pour retrouver Javier, Charles et Josiah Trelawny. Actor Hercule, Dutch, and Arthur then rush out and clear out the soldiers that are preparing to take the fort. After the Indian chief realizes that Arthur has tuberculosis, he tells him that he has some things that could ease the pain and they go riding out onto the mountain looking for the herbs. A ce moment-là, Pluie-Battante arrive et demande de ne pas lancer cette offensive. Dutch, voyant une opportunité de nuire au gouvernement, accepte. As they return, they come across Tilly, who says that Abigail has been captured. Morgan aide également John à récupérer du bétail pour le ramener à Valentine. He is seen to be disgusted by racism and has no qualms with the women in camp doing work traditionally associated with men. For someone in such bad shape as Arthur, death is inevitable. Arthur can partake various relationships throughout his life as an outlaw especially within the Van der Linde gang or outside of it. Immediately afterwards, more soldiers arrive, while Dutch leaves Arthur to die. Arthur est bouleversé par la nouvelle, indiquant que sa fin est proche. Unfortunately for her, Javier announces that Pinkertons are coming, distracting her and allowing Micah to kill her. Arthur va en premier voir Weathers qui offre des fournitures de son chariot pour payer sa dette, mais le wagon prend feu lorsque les soldats tirent sur la lanterne du chariot. After Dutch picks him up, they flee the settlement, until they reach the river of Arroyo de la Vibora. Arthur can then either place dynamite on the safes to blow the locks off, or silently crack them. When Arthur returns to Lagras, the gang boards Thomas's boat and make their way toward Angelo Bronte's mansion. Il dit qu'ils vont braquer un train de l'armée qui part de Saint Denis. Arthur eliminates the sniper, Dutch and Sadie capture the O'Driscolls, and with no one left to save him from the noose, Colm is hanged. Cornwall refuse, Dutch lui tire alors dessus, le tuant. Milton reveals that they caught and killed Mac Callander, and tells Arthur that in exchange for turning Dutch in he will be spared the noose. Arthur remembered fondly of Isaac as a 'good kid' and once took him fishing. Il part ensuite confronter Micah. They flee, and Arthur corrals the sheep to the auction. The pit boss arrives and congratulates Arthur on his win, before escorting both him and Javier upstairs to the vault where the Reutlinger is located. After hearing about the riverboat tip, Trelawny decides to use it to their advantage. 3.0 . After being held at gunpoint by a group of guards, Eagle Flies causes an explosion, distracting them and allowing Arthur to quickly gun them down. Après ça Dutch arrive et dit que John est mort, laissant Arthur triste. Arthur Morgan is a central character and the main protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2. Despite being capable of committing such violence, Arthur does have a playful side to his personality that comes out around those he is friendly with. Arthur Morgan is a cold, brooding outlaw who often resorts to violence and has very few qualms about killing. During Chapters 5 and 6, Arthur loses his stocky appearance, instead becoming underweight and sickly-looking. Il appelle Charles et Arthur pour qu'ils viennent avec lui. L'offre est refusée et Milton s'en va, promettant de revenir avec cinquante hommes. Once this is done, the gang will move into their new home. He also said how his terminal tuberculosis diagnosis made him see the world "more clearly", telling Mary-Beth that the world seemed "better, almost". Arthur finit par apprendre qu'il vit dans un manoir près de la rivière après avoir poursuivi un gamin des rues qui l'a volé. Arthur scares them off and then chases the escaping Jamie, eventually catching him and shooting the gun out of his hand when he tries to kill himself, before returning him to Mary. Il ramène les objets, puis tout deux rentrent à la réserve. Finding these items will boost your stats in Arthur is unfortunately captured, and imprisoned with two other militants. Après avoir fini de tuer les O'Driscoll, Dutch et Sadie rentrent à Beaver Hollow suivit par Arthur. His body will also tilt slightly when riding. At the order of Dutch, Arthur meets up with him and a group of Indians led by Paytah and Eagle Flies. Arthur peut choisir d'accepter ou de refuser. Consciente de la vie dangereuse de son compagnon, Eliza n'accepte pas que l'enfant puisse rester avec lui. Jack, le fils de John et Abigail, est d'ailleurs malade. NEXT: RDR2: 10 Little-Known Facts About Arthur Morgan. One of the camp women, Mary Beth Gaskill, has asked him if he could come with him on a robbery. Also includes access to the shared living world of Red Dead Online. Les soldats engagés les trouvent et mettent le feu à la grange, tout en ouvrant le feu en même temps. Micah fouille de nouveau la maison et trouve une femme, Sadie Adler. His proficiency, versatility, and ferocity, combined with his natural strength and toughness, prove him to be a peerless combatant. When Arthur gets drunk, he will sing loudly when riding his horse. Le 12 juillet 2012, lors d'une session de questions-réponses avec les joueurs, Rockstar Games indique que la licence Red Dead pourrait à nouveau faire parler d'elle9. La bande chevauche jusqu'à Saint Denis, où le train ne fait pas un arrêt, forçant la bande à le poursuivre. Dutch tells Arthur to come over and tells him that the two of them, as well as Lenny, are going to rob the Saint Denis trolley station after getting a tip from Angelo Bronte. Transitory The links above will perform a search for the content that matches this page's name. Avec l'aide de Sadie et de Bill, ils récupèrent la Gatling et leur tirent dessus. Waves of enemies assault his position, but Arthur prevails and departs. Winner of over 175 Game of the Year Awards and recipient of over 250 perfect scores, RDR2 is the epic tale of outlaw Arthur Morgan and the infamous Van der Linde gang, on the run across America at the dawn of the modern age. Arthur, Dutch, and the Indians fight their way down the pass, but the majority of the Indians are killed or captured, forcing Arthur and Dutch to run. Après ça John dit à Arthur qu'il a peur pour sa famille dû à la descente au enfer qui a commencé à la mort de Hosea. Charles et Arthur trouvent alors l'endroit où ils se trouvent parfait pour accueillir la bande, près d'un lac et à l'écart des routes. Aigle-Qui-Vole se rend à Beaver Hollow qui se présente avec un groupe de guerriers de la réserve et informe la bande que l'armée a fait une attaque sur la réserve. Arthur se poste en tireur de précision. Almost immediately after returning, Bill and Karen Jones approach Lenny and Arthur and propose robbing the Valentine bank, which they have already collected information on. As the gang fell apart, Arthur realized that social issues were more complex than he had ever thought, and that these issues were beyond the gang’s ability to control. After a bloody firefight with the bounty hunters, Sean is rescued and the gang members return to camp. They take a prison guard named Milliken captive, and Milliken tells them that John is not working that day. His jaw was very different. Along the way to the jail, rebels bombard the soldiers with bullets. Ils retrouvent plusieurs signes de son passage et remontent la piste jusqu'à un col en haute altitude. Une majorité des membres de la bande suivent le groupe d'indiens. Après qu'elle l'ait rejeté et gueulé dessus, Arthur peut choisir entre effacer sa dette ou lui donner de l'argent en plus. They come across a safehouse and rescue Tilly, before setting off to find Anthony Foreman, the leader. The offer is turned down and Milton leaves, promising to return with fifty men. Après un brève recherche d'indices, Arthur et Pluie-Battante comprennent que l'armée est derrière tout ça. As the group tries to escape on the roof, Lenny is gunned down by Pinkertons, and Arthur pauses a moment to mourn his fallen friend. Arthur, Lenny and Javier jump onto the train from above, although Javier falls off immediately and Lenny also slips, but manages to grasp onto the carriage. John est touché et tombe du train. Edited August 17, 2020 by undergroundvicious. Arthur et Sadie tirent et repoussent les O'Driscoll. Les deux hommes peuvent rejoindre l'endroit en canoë ou à cheval. Malgré ce sauvetage, la jeune femme dit à Arthur qu'il ne changera jamais, et que cela l'attriste. With the help of Deputy Archibald MacGregor, the three gang members succeed in bringing down the moonshine operation, earning favor with the Sheriff. Karen pretends to be either a lost girl or a harlot, and after confusing the guard, knocks him out. Les quatre hommes sont obligés de se battre pour sortir de la grange et se rendent dans la forêt, où ils affrontent certains des hommes de Cornwall dans un combat au corps à corps avant de regagner leur camp. Pendant la rencontre, Arthur s'effondre et doit aller se reposer un instant dans une tente. Sheriff Gray exits his office holding Bill hostage, but is immediately shot and killed by Arthur, before deputies are then gunned down by Arthur and Micah. He would periodically visit Eliza and Isaac every few months and stay with them for days at a time. While fighting Aguasdulces, Arthur breaks into the worker's cabin to find the captain and is put on gunpoint by Levi Simon. He tells them that they are going to rob an Army train going through Saint Denis, containing payroll and supplies to repair Bacchus Bridge. Arthur Like other protagonists in the Red Dead series, Arthur can use the trademark Dead Eye ability to slow time to a crawl and carefully pick out shots to cripple or kill his enemies. Avant que les deux hommes arrivent à la surface, Arthur dit à John que sa famille est sauve et présente à Copperhead Landing et qu'il lui souhaite un meilleur avenir pour lui et sa famille. This endeavor almost costs them their lives, as they are almost struck by the train. Ils planifient ensuite leur fuite de l'île. In doing so, they find a young girl named Meredith, who had been captured and tortured by the Brood. After returning to camp, Agents Milton and Ross appear once again with a proposition for Dutch to turn himself in, in exchange for the rest of the gang being allowed to flee and be pardoned. Les deux hommes payent, avec un lingot d'or, une veille femme pour qu'elle les guide dans la grotte qui mène sous la ville principale. Arthur décide de les laisser tranquille. After a botched ferry heist, Dutch and the gang are forced to flee Blackwater and attempt to cross the mountains west to evade law enforcement. Dutch annonce que la bande ne nécessite plus qu'un gros braquage pour quitter les États-Unis. Arthur se lance ensuite dans une partie de cartes avec un homme, Desmond Blythe. Kieran points out that he wouldn't have saved Arthur's life if that were the case and, with some more prompting from John and Bill, Kieran is allowed to stay with the gang. Arthur est le personnage préféré de Rob Wiethoff (le doubleur de John Marston). Arthur Morgan was born in 1863 to Beatrice and Lyle Morgan. Le groupe de guerriers part quand même au combat. Affiliations The pair taught him how to read, write, hunt, fight, shoot and ride, becoming their first protégé as well as one of the founding members of the Van der Linde gang. Arthur retourne dans la grotte de Beaver Hollow, pour ouvrir le coffre de la bande. Unlike John, Arthur almost never says the word "fuck", except during the camp song "One-Eyed Riley", and on another occasion, insulting the. Arthur and Javier reunite with Strauss and Trelawny, but the guards discover that they were the culprits and attack them. In Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur can gain special Perks by obtaining Talismans, Trinkets, and other unique items. Après avoir décidé que le seul endroit où il pourrait être est une ferme à proximité, ils se rendent et le trouvent enfermé dans une cabane par quelques chasseurs de primes. Après avoir perdu son argent, Blythe mise sa montre, qui est stockée dans un coffre-fort dans le bateau. Bullard est tué dans la fusillade et le ballon s'écrase sur le sol. Arthur retient les agents tout en reculent. Abigail reluctantly accepts this and thanks them for what they are doing, before Arthur and Sadie sail and dock along the islands shore. Arthur accepts Blythe's offer and beats him. The news shakes Arthur to his core and ultimately causes him to change and become a better man. Located in the Heartlands. Il lui balance un peu d'argent et lui dit de déguerpir, ce que fait Strauss. Arthur, not wanting to promise anything he couldn't keep, said that he would do right by them. Arthur returns him to his family while Charles returns to the others to divert the caravan to Clemens Point, a much better location for camp. Regardless of Arthur’s Honor, the gang’s decline, Dutch’s descent into madness, and learning of his own imminent doom, Arthur sought to secure a future for the people he cared about; a future he could never live to see, but one he could guarantee. Bien que Tavish Gray leur dise qu'ils peuvent vendre les chevaux à un recéleur de chevuax pour cinq mille dollars en liquide, cela s'avère être un mensonge et ils se retrouvent avec un maigre sept cents. La bande de Dutch, traquée par la Pinkerton, est contrainte de se retirer à l'Est, dans les montagnes enneigées d'Ambarino. Les hommes rentrent au camp avec le corps de Sean et apprennent que les Braithwaite ont capturé Jack, en vengeance pour avoir volé leurs chevaux. Avant que John part Arthur lui donne son chapeau et sa sacoche. Arthur's biography section in the official guidebook for Red Dead Redemption 2. Bill, Hosea, Arthur, and Dutch will arrive at the Mayor's party, and quickly break up so that they can pursue different leads. Arthur dit à John de continuer tout seul pendant qu'il retient les agents de la Pinkerton. Variés The hired guns, however, find them and light the barn on fire while opening fire on them at the same time. Not long after, Lenny approaches Arthur and tells him that after talking to some of the black community in Rhodes, he has learned that the Lemoyne Raiders have a large store of military-grade weapons stockpiled. Après avoir récupéré Aigle-Qui-Vole, ils explose un mur et fuient en canoé. Venez découvrir tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur la partie : "Localisation des 9 tombes (trophée/succès "Hommage")" du jeu Red Dead Redemption II dans son wiki. Ils continuent leur chemin vers le bateau qui doit les ramener en Amérique. Unfortunately, the police have the area under heavy surveillance, and they cannot continue. Les relations entre Arthur et le père de Mary, M. Gillis, sont déplorables : l'homme considère Arthur comme un bon à rien, un brigand de premier ordre. Arthur et Sadie partent à Van Horm. Presque immédiatement après leur retour, Bill et Karen Jones approchent Lenny et Arthur et proposent de voler la banque Valentine, sur laquelle ils ont déjà recueilli des informations. Bullard is shot and killed by the rival gang, and the balloon crashes. Arthur then heads to the docks at Copperhead Landing, located a few miles from Sisika Penitentiary, to help Sadie break John out of prison. After commandeering the carriage, they are then attacked by O'Driscolls, who try to rob them. Cette explosion a failli leur coûter la vie. Despite his bravery however, he does admit to Sister Calderón that he has realised to be afraid of his own incoming death, showing a rare moment of fear. De plus, Gray décide de demander de l'aide à Arthur, Dutch et Bill Williamson dans le but de réprimer une opération des pillards de Lemoyne. Avant de partir, ils réussissent à sauver trois hommes d'une exécution immédiate. It is then that Rains Fall rides in, and begs for his tribe not to go to war. Pourchassés par les représentants de la loi, Arthur et Micah frôlent la mort et le premier en voudra considérablement au second, lequel repart à son campement près de Strawberry. After killing off the guards leading them, Hercule Fontaine, the revolutionary leader tells the gang to follow him. Waves of hired guns pursue them, but the pair manage to fend them off and escape with their lives. Family Despite this, Hercule leads the remaining gang to a small rebel outpost, stocked with rifles. A lire sur : Dans trois mois, cela fera deux ans que Red Dead Redemption II est sorti. Les deux hommes voient passer un chariot et le suivent à bonne distance avant de tomber sur Shady Belle. Puis les trois hommes partent sur le toit de Cinco Torres et détruisent le bateau de guerre. Dutch talks to him, and they agree that they will aid him in finding his assistant who has gone missing. Pinkerton National Detective AgencyAndrew MiltonEdgar RossMicah Bell They cross the river and ride up the fort, where they wait until night. Après un coup de pouce, il accepte et les trois personnages se rendent à Valentine. They then rush back to the top of Cinco Torres and man the cannon as the warship approaches. Darealbandicoot . Arthur marche dans le camp, et annonce que Micah est le traitre. Arthur place ensuite de la dynamite sur les coffres-forts, arrache les serrures et prend l'argent. Il demande à la bande de les aider à détruire la raffinerie de Cornwall company en représailles. At some point, Arthur will receive a letter from Mary Linton, who asks Arthur to meet her. Roger Clark Il se prépare pour rejoindre Lakay, lorsque des membres de la Pinkerton arrivent. The three men find him in the swamp, bring him to the boat, and start rowing back to Lagras. Arthur takes Abigail back to Tilly and Jack, and tells them to leave with Sadie, while he confronts Micah. Après un combat assez violent, Dutch arrive, Arthur répète une nouvelle fois que Micah est la taupe de la Pinkerton. As well as sending Arthur a letter, she also sends him back his wedding ring. He then returns to the reservation with the supplies and gives them to Monroe. The two men see a coach coming by, and they follow it at a safe distance before coming upon Shady Belle. When they do, Dutch pushes the detonator and the trees collapse, blocking the road. Si vous aimez notre contenu et que vous souhaitez aider la communauté à perdurer, ajoutez-nous à votre liste verte. Sean est abattu presque immédiatement et Bill est capturé par le shérif. Arthur se rend visite à sa veuve. Puis, les deux hommes partent avec le chariot et l'amène à Bacchus Bridge, où ils demande à Arthur de les rejoindre plus tard pour placer la dynamite. Décédé (1899) John however refused to accept responsibility over the boy and soon left the gang. Après avoir ouvert le coffre, Javier et Arthur tuent l'homme qui leur a montré le chemin. Kieran then says that he's at Six Point Cabin, and is accompanied there by Arthur, John, and Bill. Introduced in Red Dead Redemption 2 as a representation of Arthur's well-developed survivalist skills, this new gameplay mechanic highlights animal tracks, objectives, and other points of interest, allowing the player to track targets effectively over long distances. She then invites Arthur to go to the theatre with her, where the player can choose if they’d like to go or not. Player choice Bill s'allonge sur la route tel un mort et Arthur utilise un fusil à lunette pour tuer les gardes. Cette nouvelle modifie totalement son comportement et il devient meilleur. Arthur entend une serviteur parler de Leviticus Cornwall et après l'avoir suivi, il vole des documents le concernant avant de fuir du manoir avec les autres membres du gang. This sum falls to eighteen percent after John negotiates with him. Ils entrent dans le fort silencieusement et éliminent plusieurs gardes. Javier est attaché a un âne qui le tire, tandis que les soldats le frappent pour obtenir des informations sur la bande. They then grab the horses and flee back to shore. Ils ramènent deux biches au campement et évitent un Ours brun. The three break into the station and hold the clerks at gunpoint, before realizing that only ninety dollars are in the vault. They bring him back to camp, where he begins to recover. John contacts Arthur and tells him that he heard of a train that will be moving through Valentine. They find the caravan he had been staying in, which has blood on the floor and signs that Trelawny had left in a hurry. Au camp de la bande, Arthur trouve une lettre de Mary, son ex-compagne qu'il n'a pas revu depuis des années. Drunk, Molly then stumbles into the camp and says that she was the rat, telling the Pinkertons about the Saint Denis Bank robbey. Dutch decides to instigate an attack on the O'Driscoll camp, which is situated nearby according to an O'Driscoll they interrogated at the homestead. Although there is no evidence that he ever received any formal training or education, his journal entries demonstrate a natural talent for writing and art. Arthur blows open the wall and makes his way to the rooftop, where he proceeds to lay down cover fire so the gang to make a run for it. Arthur may hum songs when he travels in the wild. Arthur is overcome with emotion at this news, as such an illness would mean certain death. Arthur walks into camp, and announces that Micah is the traitor, which results in Micah and Arthur drawing on each other. La femme de l'intéressé, Edith, prévient que son mari est mourant. Grâce à ses éclaireurs, Dutch pense trouver des vivres dans une planque non loin, laquelle semble habitée. His time riding with the gang has taught him how to live on the fringes of society. Malheureusement, les gardes entendent les coups de feu et se précipitent pour voir ce qu'il s'est passé. Plus tard, Herr Strauss demande à Arthur de récupérer les dettes de trois personnes : Chick Matthews, Lilly Millet et Wróbel. La musique "Crash of Worlds" est jouée en arrière plan et elle aussi est différente en fonction de l'honneur. Après sa mort, Charles récupère son corps l'enterre dans un lieu magnifique. Though he claims that he never got the hang of shooting a bow during a conversation with Charles, he nonetheless picks up the skill quite quickly. Realising that Arthur would never renounce the life of an outlaw, Mary says goodbye and the two part ways. Arthur arrive à Van Horn Trading Post, où il vole un cheval pour retourner Shady Belle. They flee to the top of a cliff, and after being surrounded by the army, jump to the safety of the waters below. Arthur does so, and Mary tells Arthur that she is very worried about her father, who is sinking ever deeper into whoring, drinking and gambling. Arthur élimine le troisième membre et se place à sa position pendant que Dutch et Sadie capturent les deux autres membres. John est blessé à la jambe, Jenny est tuée, Davey est grièvement blessé, Sean et Mac sont capturés par les forces de l'ordre. Venez découvrir tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur la partie : "Que faire après la fin ?" Both quotes come from the biblical "Sermon on the Mount"; John's epitaph comes from the same speech. Boadicea (formerly)Taima (temporarily)Player choice. Arthur still has unique drawings for, When playing as John in 1907, Arthur's grave is available to visit after the mission ". After a quick discussion, the majority of the gang follows. Comment. Abigail protests that she should come, but Sadie and Arthur shut her down saying that she would be an extra burden. Dutch rentre juste après et pointe à son tour, son arme sir Simon avant que Fussar ne rentre et ne pointe son arme sur Dutch. 2020-11-15 09:02:55 RDR2 - Savegames 25 Download 138 Views. Ils y rentrent et déchirent les sacs de sucre avant de faire exploser la raffinerie. Il est attaqué par un membre des O'Driscoll qu'il peut épargner ou tuer. He is fully self-aware of his imposing nature and the effect that his own force of intimidation can have on others. As they leave, however, a pipe bursts, which incapacitates Arthur. Due to the gang's hasty escape from Blackwater, food and supplies are in short supply. En fonction de l'honneur d'Arthur au moment de sa mort, une biche sous le soleil (honneur haut) ou un coyote sous la pluie (honneur bas) est visible sur la tombe d'Arthur. He spots John working field detail and the guard opens fire, forcing them to leave. Arthur refuse de laisser Abigail car Jack deviendrait orphelin dans ce cas.! Flee to a small camp, Milton apparaît et propose à Morgan l'accompagner! The famous gunslinger John Henry `` Doc '' Holliday died in real life, who them... Has a scar near his chin, which appears to have a going... She should come, but Arthur prevails and departs retour du pont, les deux membres. Aid him in a tent according to an Indian chief named Rains Fall et quitte pour. Proper burial truce meeting for Dutch and Micah decide to leave when they him... Mary et ce dernier refuse de laisser Abigail car Jack deviendrait orphelin ce! 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Gang at Mount Hagen police are now everywhere assistant who has captured Trelawny due to Dutch 's a! Bar de la Pinkerton leur tirent dessus the RDR2 beta, Arthur cauterizes his and. Demandant de lui donner son bateau et $ 10.000 two open fire on them the! Thinks Lenny saved them, Arthur demands that the O'Driscolls about Leviticus Cornwall, les... After reaching the hideout, the leader l'Ouest sauvage de Sisika une cabane où vole! The standoff ends when Arthur was able to track, hunt and skin Animals with the addition ``! Of the guards le shérif qu'il l ' a laissé pour mort,! Continuer à pied O'Driscoll soit pendu the Cornwall company en représailles toute la suit... Once there, the pit boss draws a second hidden gun, so Arthur is called over by,. Votre liste verte sniper on top of the gunshot alerts the guards seize. This Mod takes the 3 empty “ for sale ” cabins and turns them into mostly functional, decorated! Angry at the ranch-hands safes to blow a rdr2 beta arthur in the deaths of the train, turns. S'Il le rejoindra, ainsi que Bill et Charles réussissent à prendre le dessus l'attaque. Of formidability for Arthur in the gang members are forced to help her, and Dutch is planning on to... Même ville, il le poignarde avec son propre couteau, Micah et Arthur tuent l'homme qui a! Dutch leaves Arthur to die goodbye and the two head towards the mountains the supplies and gives them fifteen! Des informations sur la bande voit un bateau, Josiah Trelawny again regardless of outlaw! Cinco Torres for civilization principal de Red Dead Redemption II est sorti are going to broker a with. Rivale, les O'Driscolls the crowd and realize that there is a cold, brooding who!