Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (updated as of 1/1/21) and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated as of 1/1/21) and Your California Privacy Rights. In the most severe latex allergy case, coming into contact with this substance can lead to anaphylaxis, which is a potentially life-threatening reaction, Jonathan Schaffir, M.D., an ob-gyn at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, tells SELF. Both men and women can be allergic to condoms after using them. If they have been exposed to an allergen, they should self-inject the epinephrine while waiting for emergency help to arrive. Latex condom allergies (and latex allergies in general) exist on a spectrum, according to the Mayo Clinic. Other triggers could be the oil-based lubrication, nitrosamines, chemicals, dyes, additives, sugar alcohols, preservatives, spermicides, and more. If you can see your doctor while you’re having a mild reaction, the Mayo Clinic says that’s even better—it can help with your diagnosis. Spermicide is a form of birth control that prevents sperm from reaching the egg. The common symptoms associated with condom allergy include, Itching in the vagina soon after a sexual act using condom. Some lubricants also contain spermicides. in International Relations and Marketing from The College of William & Mary (which she doesn't use at all now) and an M.A. That injection should help stop your symptoms quickly. Discover new workout ideas, healthy-eating recipes, makeup looks, skin-care advice, the best beauty products and tips, trends, and more from SELF. And what should you do if the symptoms are flaring up right now, leaving you in need of some relief ASAP? Spermicide is available as a gel, foam, or suppository. These IgE antibodies react with latex proteins and cause allergy symptoms. Whichever latex-free alternative you choose, it's a good idea to make sure you always have a stash of dental dams and/or condoms—and even keep them on your person as necessary—if you use them for safe sex. What Are The Symptoms Of A Latex Allergy? If you have a severe allergy, it’s important to tell your family, any work or school officials who should know, and health care providers, and to have an action plan in place that clearly spells out what to do if you’ve been exposed to latex, the AAAAI says. A person should contact emergency services immediately if they or someone around them experiences anaphylaxis. A doctor can perform tests to confirm whether a person has a particular allergy. Non-hormonal methods include condoms and natural family planning, where a person…, © 2004-2021 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. It’s likely because they have similar proteins to the ones in natural latex, according to the AAAAI. Latex allergy (Type I) symptoms range from skin irritation to respiratory symptoms to life-threatening anaphylaxis – and there’s no way to predict which will occur if exposed. There are different levels of latex allergy. When the sensitivity is to a chemical additive used in manufacturing rubber latex, the reaction typically occurs one to two days after exposure and usually involves a form of contact dermatitis, a rash that resembles poison ivy. These can be symptoms of a latex allergy. Latex allergies develop gradually through repeated exposure to latex products. Ad Choices, Here's Exactly How to Know If You’re Allergic to Latex Condoms. It depends on how severe of a reaction you had and how it’s been treated, if at all. However, this first exposure can sensitize the immune system to the allergen, which can cause symptoms after later exposures. A latex condom allergy can be tough to diagnose, Maureen Whelihan, M.D., an ob-gyn at the Center for Sexual Health & Education, tells SELF. Latex sensitivity develops in some people over time through repeated exposure. Symptoms of Latex Allergy. So people with spina bifida (who are often exposed to latex), health care workers, those who have been through several surgeries or medical procedures, and rubber industry workers are at the highest risk of having a latex allergy. The body’s reaction occurs to the material from which contraceptives are made. According to a 2016 review, these allergies may occur in around 4.3% of the world’s population. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that requires urgent medical attention. First Symptoms of Latex Condom Allergy Unexplained itching and discomfort after sex could happen to anyone. What are the symptoms of a latex allergy? Latex comes from the milky sap of rubber trees and natural rubber latex can contain proteins that cause allergic reactions. Irritant contact dermatitis. A condom can prevent pregnancy and reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections. Some people experience itchiness, redness, or swelling after using a condom. You could also consider taking a sitz bath, as in, dunking everything below your hips in lukewarm or cool water to help ease irritation around your vagina or vulva. Personal lubricant can enhance sexual experience, but some lubricants contain chemicals such as propylene glycol and glycerol. Itching 3. Condoms and diaphragms are often made out of latex, which is a substance which can create an allergic reaction in some people. To help prevent future allergic reactions, a person can try products that do not contain these ingredients. A person can choose from a wide range of methods to avoid pregnancy. If a person has an allergic reaction after using a condom, latex may not be the culprit. For what it’s worth, having a latex allergy can cause issues with using latex gloves, rubber bands, and balloons, but this allergy tends to get the most attention when it comes to using safe-sex products like condoms. Allergic reactions to latex most often take the form of a rash at the point of contact, known as contact dermatitis. When you’re exposed to latex and you have a latex allergy, it causes a chain reaction in your body that starts in your immune system, the AAAAI explains. A latex allergy means that the immune system reacts strongly to any product containing latex. Allergy to latex is an increasing health problem. Symptoms that they have in common include headache, fatigue, tiredness, shortness of breath, wheezing, and sore throat. Symptoms of latex allergy may be mild at first, progressing to more serious types of symptoms. How Do I Lower the Risk of Getting an STI During Oral Sex? The most common signs that you could be allergic to latex are vaginal irritation, burning, and itching, Jonathan Schaffir, M.D., an ob-gyn at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, tells SELF. There’s no cure for a latex allergy—instead, people who have severe reactions need to avoid the rubber, the AAAAI says. You develop an allergic reaction because your immune system, which usually reacts to viruses, bacteria, and toxins, also reacts to latex. Latex allergy and condom allergy Latex allergy is an allergic reaction to latex products, such as condoms, rubber gloves, and materials that include latex. You should only use lambskin condoms if you aren’t at risk of STIs, like if you're in a mutually monogamous relationship and have both been tested. The most common reasons for this reaction is either an allergy to the latex the condom is made from, or an allergy to an added ingredient such as spermicide. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional, American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Aphantasia: The inability to visualize images, The Recovery Room: News beyond the pandemic — January 8, COVID-19: Research points to long-term neurological effects. Last medically reviewed on September 13, 2019. Despite what you may have heard, a latex condom allergy is a real thing—it’s just not super common. We also discuss treatment options and when to see a doctor. You can also have symptoms if you breathe in latex particles that are released into the air when someone removes latex gloves.Latex allergy symptoms range from mild to severe. She received a double B.A. The best research available, including a study from the National Institutes of Health, suggests that when using internal condoms perfectly every single time, 5 out of 100 people with uteri will get pregnant each year as opposed to the 2 out of 100 who will get pregnant each year when using external condoms perfectly. It is also possible to have a more severe form of allergy that leads to anaphylaxis, which involves system-wide swelling, dropping blood pressure, and difficulty breathing, he says. Latex is a fluid that comes from rubber trees, which is where most natural rubber is derived, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology (AAAAI). Latex comes from the milky sap of rubber trees. Chest tightness 2. These can contain chemicals that can irritate sensitive genital tissues. In rare cases, these allergies can result in death due to anaphylaxis. Latex-free internal condoms: The FC2 condom is the only internal condom approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Your immune system, which controls how your body defends itself, overreacts by producing antibodies called Immunoglobulin E (IgE) that can react with contaminating proteins found in latex. These tests involve analyzing a blood sample or exposing the skin to potential allergens. Certain plant extracts and natural products may have antihistamine properties, meaning they can reduce allergy symptoms. Synthetic rubber products made from petrochemicals usually don’t provoke allergic reactions in people who are allergic to latex. Medically reviewed by Mary Jane Minkin, M.D. “Women can have irritation down there for a variety of reasons,” she says. Allergies to latex condoms occur in both men and women. A latex allergy is exactly what you’d expect: an allergic reaction caused by an exposure to latex. Some condoms have lubricant coating. Synthetic condoms, made with polyurethane, are deemed to be as safe as latex condoms … The least threatening type of latex reaction, classified as a non-allergenic skin reaction. Unfortunately, internal condoms have slightly higher failure rates than external condoms. Latex proteins and substances in lubricants and spermicides can all cause allergic reactions. SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The severity of the itching can depend upon the level of allergic reaction experienced by the female. A latex allergy is a reaction to proteins found in the sap of rubber trees, which is then used to make latex products, Dr. Purcell explained. A mild allergic reaction to latex can cause immediate symptoms, such as: Symptoms of a moderate reaction to latex include: A person with a severe allergy may experience a life threatening reaction called anaphylaxis. Still, there are a few things you can do if you accidentally come into contact with a latex condom. Your reaction can become worse with each additional latex exposure. Allergies happen when your immune system overreacts to an otherwise harmless substance, leading to allergy symptoms. Just be sure not to get any of the cream inside your actual vagina, where it might just cause even more irritation. Top 5 natural antihistamines for allergies, frequent urination that may cause a painful burning sensation. Latex Condom Allergy. The body’s immune system makes antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. Latex allergy, caused by exposure to latex condoms, is probably the most common cause of allergic reactions during sex. Symptoms can show up anywhere from 12-36 hours later. “If you consistently have a reaction following sex with latex condoms—usually within a day and lasting one to four days—and the symptoms are not present otherwise or after sex without the latex condom, then an allergy should be suspected,” Dr. Schaffir says. Because latex condom allergy symptoms can be similar to other issues down there (hello, yeast infections! Have had symptoms of an allergic reaction-- like a skin rash, hives, eye tearing or irritation, wheezing, itching, or trouble breathing -- when exposed to latex or a natural rubber product It actually means that your skin is sensitive to latex, a natural substance made of the milky sap of the rubber tree. Korin has been published in... All the best health and wellness advice, tips, tricks, and intel, delivered to your inbox every day. An allergic reaction can occur when latex … A reaction depends on how sensitive you are to latex and the amount of latex you touch or inhale. But if you’re having a reaction to a latex condom you can also have symptoms in and around your vagina. Urticaria or skin rash/ hives 2. Lambskin condoms: These are made from sheep intestines, per the Cleveland Clinic, so they won’t trigger a reaction in people who are allergic to latex. That would be rare, but needs immediate medical attention. Causes of condom allergies. You can have an allergic reaction to condom use. If your symptoms are mild, an antihistamine or corticosteroid may help, the Mayo Clinic says. But that can be tricky if condoms are a necessary part of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections for you. Dental dams are also often available in polyurethane, FYI. Anyone who is sensitive to an ingredient in a lubricant or spermicide should look for products that do not contain the ingredient. The allergic reaction can vary in severity, causing a wide range of symptoms. If you're mildly allergic to latex you might experience symptoms like: If your latex allergy is more severe, you could experience these symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic: Wheezing (an abnormal whistling sound when you breathe). People can also buy condoms coated in spermicide. If one of the partners has an allergy to condoms, then you need to identify the causes and immediately begin treatment. If a person has a genital infection, the doctor will likely prescribe a course of antibiotics. All rights reserved. This article describes the symptoms of a latex allergy and looks into other allergic reactions that can occur during or after sex. Additionally, an allergist may perform a skin prick test to check whether the person’s skin reacts to the proteins in latex. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, Latex Allergy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HIV Risk Reduction Tool, National Institutes of Health, Contraceptive Failure in the United States, How to Know If You Should Talk to Someone About a Low Sex Drive. In some cases, repeated contact with products containing latex can increase your sensitivity and, with continued use, develop into an allergy. Symptoms of a reaction to latex include skin irritation, rash, hives, runny nose and difficulty breathing. IgE-Mediated Latex Allergy (Type I) An IgE-mediated latex allergy is an allergy to natural rubber latex proteins. They can be effective when it comes to preventing pregnancy, but because they have small holes in them, you can't rely on them to block the spread of STIs, the CDC says. Symptoms of latex allergy To diagnose a latex allergy, a doctor will review the person’s medical … These compounds cause rapid and severe inflammation throughout the body. During anaphylaxis, the immune system triggers the release of large numbers of inflammatory compounds called histamines. Cough 4. in Interactive Journalism from American University. You develop this type of allergy when your partner uses a latex condom. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Confusion 5. So during sex, women with latex allergies may encounter vaginal swelling and itching.” “Mucus membrane exposure to a condom in a woman with latex allergy could provoke a serious systemic reaction,” he explains. Latex allergy symptoms usually show up in the nose, lungs, throat, sinuses, ears, lining of the stomach, or on the skin, the AAAAI says. According to a report from the World Health Organization (WHO), frequent spermicide use may also increase a person’s risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) — such as gonorrhea and chlamydia — because it may make the vaginal mucosa more susceptible to invasion from microorganisms. for an immediate injection of epinephrine, the Mayo Clinic says. The antibodies then travel to cells that release chemicals, causing an allergic reaction in your body. It's made from synthetic latex, so it’s safe for people with latex allergies. Polyisoprene condoms: These are made from synthetic rubber, which can be helpful if you have a latex condom allergy, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It can help to check the labels on products for use during sex because some contain known allergens. If a person does not receive treatment for an infection, it may spread and lead to long term complications, such as infertility. Latex allergy is much more prevalent in the health care industry, with around 10 per cent of health professionals affected. Men should seek out non-latex condoms in order to protect themselves - and their partners - from unwanted sexual side effects. Two types of non-latex condoms exist as options for those allergic to latex. Once you get a proper diagnosis, your doctor will recommend a treatment plan for the future. An allergic reaction to condoms can be felt by the person wearing the condom or the person they’re having sex with. The redness and swelling may cover more parts of your body, and you may have crusty sores or blisters. Latex allergy can also lead to life-threatening anaphylactic shock. A latex allergy is only thought to affect around 1% of the general population, according to the Cleveland Clinic, making it pretty damn rare. Dizziness 7. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, symptoms of anaphylaxis include: The symptoms of anaphylaxis occur suddenly and can progress rapidly. Lots of things are made from latex including gloves, balloons, and rubber bands, per the AAAAI. Watery eyes 5. “It’s not extremely common, but it does happen,” women’s health expert Jennifer Wider, M.D., tells SELF. The name for this is latex-fruit syndrome. As with any type of allergy, the first exposure to latex allergens usually does not cause any reaction. People experiencing this require immediate treatment with epinephrine, a drug that counteracts allergic reactions. See a doctor if symptoms of an allergic reaction persist for several days after the last exposure to the suspected trigger. Low blood pressure 6. It usually occurs as a result of repeated exposure to chemicals in latex condom and results in dryness, itching, burning, scaling, and lesions of the skin. We’re not sure why latex allergy has increased, but it’s likely due to increased usage and sheer exposure. There is no cure for a latex allergy. Pros: Polyisoprene condoms provide the stretchy comfort of a latex condom without the itch factor that most people with latex allergies experience. The good news: Instead of latex, you can find condoms made from plastic, synthetic rubber, or other materials. Although rare, many people do suffer from an allergic reaction to latex condoms or spermicidal lubricants, which can result in mild to severe symptoms.. If you have a less severe reaction, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines or corticosteroids, which can help control your symptoms. Runny noseAnaphylactic reactions consist of these symptoms: 1. Individuals who experience severe allergic reactions may need to carry injectable epinephrine. Just a heads up: There seems to be a link between having a latex allergy and reactions to certain foods, like avocados, chestnuts, kiwis, and bananas. When a person uses it frequently, however, it can cause irritation and soreness. People who are sensitive or allergic to compounds in lubricants should use nonlubricated condoms. Manufacturers use latex in a variety of medical and commercial products, including condoms. They may also test the person’s blood for the presence of latex antibodies. Here, learn to recognize the symptoms and what to do next. The most common reason is either an STI or an allergic reaction. The cause is a protein in the latex used to make condoms. If you know you have a latex allergy, doing your best to avoid latex in all forms is important. The symptoms can vary greatly in severity. However, they're also prone to breaking more easily than latex condoms, the CDC says. However you choose to handle a latex condom allergy, we're wishing you and all of your parts good luck. People with latex allergies can have an allergic reaction when they inhale (breathe in) latex particles or come into physical contact with latex. The following are the most common identifiers that you may be sensitive to latex. Anyone who experiences a severe allergic reaction should seek medical attention immediately. Condoms, however, protect both partners from unwanted pregnancy and the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV. This condom, which has one closed end and one open end, goes into the vagina instead of over a penis. If we’re talking typical use (which considers human error, like putting a condom on incorrectly), 21 out of 100 people with uteri will get pregnant each year when using internal condoms, and 18 out of 100 will get pregnant each year when using external condoms. Keep in mind that dental dams are also often made out of latex, so they can also cause latex allergy symptoms. According to a 2016 review, people with latex allergies have a 35% risk of an allergy to one or more of the following fruits: For the same reason, though less commonly, people with latex allergies are also allergic to peanuts, chestnuts, or both. If you’re having a reaction on your vulva or in your vagina, feel like latex condoms are to blame, and your ob-gyn has ruled out other sources of irritation, you may want to see an allergist who can do allergy testing to determine your latex sensitivity, Dr. Wider says. This can increase the risk of infections, such as bacterial vaginosis and STIs. Redness and swelling of … © 2021 Condé Nast. Oh, and, you know, the most common type of condom. People with a severe allergic reaction to latex may need to either carry injectable epinephrine (adrenaline) with them at all times, or go to the E.R. Find out about the causes of latex allergy, its symptoms, and treatments. The reasons for this phenomenon are different, as are the ways to get rid of it. Reactions to latex can occur due to direct contact or inhalation of latex particles. Shortness of breath 3. Diagnosing latex allergies. Learn about five natural…. Your doctor may also prescribe epinephrine to carry with you, just in case you have a severe reaction in the future, the AAAAI says. Nutrition and mental health: Is there a link? Though there is some overlap in allergy and COVID-19 signs and symptoms there are also significant differences. It’s unclear why, exactly, some people develop a latex allergy, but the Mayo Clinic says that repeated exposure may increase sensitivity to the material. If those foods give you trouble, there’s a chance you could have an issue with latex. Persistent irritation can indicate an infection or another underlying issue. In a 2018 study, researchers found that spermicide-containing lubricants can disrupt the structure of vaginal tissue cells. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. They have similar efficacy to latex condoms and work in similar ways The most common trigger of a condom allergy is latex. Wheezing 4. While a vulvar or vaginal reaction to latex condoms will usually go away when you stop using them, Dr. Whelihan says you may be able to use a mild hydrocortisone cream down there to help with the symptoms while you wait it out. The active ingredient in many spermicides is nonoxynol-9, which kills sperm cells. Latex allergy is an allergic reaction to substances in natural latex. Natural rubber latex contains proteins that can cause allergic reactions. To diagnose a latex allergy, a doctor will review the person’s medical history and symptoms. Also, some condoms are made from materials other than latex, such as polyurethane or lambskin. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Determining whether or not your allergic reaction is to spermicide or latex can help you avoid allergic reactions in the future. Examples include healthcare workers and housekeeping personnel. The more you are exposed to latex, the higher your chance of becoming allergic. Symptoms of an infection, such as an STI, can include: A doctor can identify the underlying cause with a physical exam and diagnostic tests. These condoms are cheaper than polyurethane condoms, the other allergy-friendly condom option. Symptoms of a systemic allergic reaction include: hives in areas that didn’t come into contact with the condom swelling in areas that didn’t come into contact with the condom runny nose or congestion watery eyes scratchy throat flushing of the face The crossover occurs because certain fruits contain proteins that are similar to those in latex. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Condé Nast. Sneezing 6. Allergic reactions to latex could affect both the male and female coming into exposure with the latex condom. Some people with a latex allergy are also allergic to certain fruits. A person can have an allergic reaction after touching latex products or inhaling latex particles. Symptoms may vary from mild to severe according to the type of reaction one develops to the substance. In all cases, people should avoid exposure to anything that triggers a reaction. SELF may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. These can cause skin irritation in some people. The treatment for an allergy depends on its severity. In the case of condoms, it can vary. The mildest version shows up in the vagina or on the penis as itching, red skin and hives, or a rash. Keep reading to learn exactly how to figure out if you have a latex condom allergy, plus which latex-free options are available to you instead. These allergies can significantly affect a person’s sexual experience. Symptoms include a hives-like rash and itching, dryness and, sometimes, shortness of breath, welts, and eczema. Are you latex-sensitive or latex-allergic? “But when we go through the list of things that cause irritation of the vulva, we ask, ‘Do you use latex condoms?’”. Find out about male and female condoms and how to use them. Here are some alternatives: Polyurethane condoms: Made from thin plastic, these offer similar protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections as latex condoms, the Mayo Clinic says. More on that specific process in a bit. All rights reserved. If you're allergic to latex, you're likely to have symptoms after touching latex rubber products, such as gloves or balloons. Korin is a former New Yorker who now lives at the beach. People can also try natural lubricants, such as aloe vera gel. Repeated exposure can worsen these symptoms: 1. To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Many condom manufacturers coat their products in substances such as spermicide and lubricant. ), this health condition can be tricky to diagnose. In severe cases, they may even be life threatening. The downsides: They tend to be more expensive than latex condoms, and they may also break more easily, the Cleveland Clinic says. People who regularly work with latex products have an increased risk of developing a latex allergy. The doctor may also ask about the person’s job. Fever does not occur with allergies but is one of the defining symptoms of COVID-19 infections. Per the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of anaphylaxis include: When it comes to a latex condom allergy, "[anaphylaxis] would be rare but needs immediate medical attention,” Dr. Schaffir says. Out non-latex condoms in order to protect themselves - and their partners - from unwanted pregnancy and the...: an allergic reaction to condoms, then you need to identify causes! Up right now, leaving you in need of some relief ASAP, runny nose and difficulty breathing could an... From synthetic latex, the Mayo Clinic says are different, as are the ways to get any the... 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