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More accurate values are given in the Nutritional Information on the package of most products, in the form of mg of sodium per serving. Following a structured training plan that increases your mileage over several weeks…. 4. You will notice that fast foods like cheese burgers, sandwiches, pancakes, hamburger, etc, contain high amount of sodium or salt. 5. Sodium Content … 0000001930 00000 n
Packaged broths and stocks, which are used as the base for soups and stews or to flavor meat and vegetable dishes, are notoriously high in salt. Still, it’s healthier to make your own meals (9). Many people far exceed the maximum recommendation of 2,300 mg of sodium per day. This prediction is based on the nutrient content of these foods, but does not take into account your individual needs. So, it is beneficial in that respect. Sneaky Sodium Can Come from these Common Foods. Wholemeal bread 100g 0.5g 1.3g. 234 0 obj
Beer (regular, 12 ounces): 153. You can significantly cut back on sodium, by choosing unprocessed sandwich toppings, such as grilled chicken breast with sliced avocado and tomato. A large, 140-gram slice of store-bought, frozen pizza averages 765 mg of sodium, or 33% of the RDI. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Instead, limit yourself to one slice and complete your meal with lower-sodium foods, such as a leafy green salad with low-sodium dressing. 0000118317 00000 n
o#�d���KJ2̟H�~�.��ơЄ������= A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of salt pork, used to flavor dishes such as baked beans and clam chowder, has 399 mg of sodium, or 17% of the RDI, and nearly twice the fat of bacon (43, 45). Included are low, medium and high sodium content foods. This represents a 27% decrease in sodium content compared to several decades ago (10). Pass these up for lower-sodium canned options or buy fresh (9). H��W͊1��S����d��ls��aYzi{(�о���X�ؙ�6�BKƊe��I���w����~8^�7'�юf�|��D8j��Є�(z7b�ʒ������?�5Py"��0���,�i��=�(s�SRKf��ss4=1F���p.�f����j��f����p��X����\6�������G����W`��~>��=kT��ɪ@J��� 0000003181 00000 n
A 1/2-cup (27-gram) portion of dry scalloped potato mix — which makes a 2/3-cup cooked serving — has 450 mg of sodium, or 19% of the RDI (21). Canned ravioli offers little in the way of nutrition but still contains almost a third of the day’s recommended allowance of sodium. In addition, your risk for salt sensitivity increases with age (1, 2). When you think of salt, white bread isn’t the first thing that comes to mind, but sodium is the … Additionally, some brands add sodium-containing flavor additives, such as MSG and its cousins, disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate. Processed meats — such as ham, cold cuts, jerky, hot dogs and sausage — are especially high in sodium. The World Health Organization (WHO) cautions that eating processed meats increases your risk for certain cancers (34, 35). These include all vegetables and dairy products, meat, and shellfish. 0000008833 00000 n
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Whether in links or patties, sausage averages 415 mg of sodium per 2-ounce (55-gram) serving, or 18% of the RDI (31). Included are low, medium and high sodium content foods. 730 mg of sodium in just 1 slice. For example, tomato soup can range from 700 to 1,260 mg of sodium in 8 ounces (1 cup). Pudding doesn’t taste salty, but there’s plenty of sodium hiding in instant pudding … Ready-to-eat cereals vary widely in sodium content. One grocery-store bagel contains 400 mg of sodium, or 17% of the RDI (31). Rock salt and sea salt are almost entirely sodium chloride, with only traces of other elements (minerals). or�L�;��N�l��cC�c���ew� Choosing smaller portions of bread will help you cut back on sodium, and opting for whole grain versions is healthier. 0000119577 00000 n
Therefore, if you eat two soft-shell tacos, you’ll get one-third of the RDI for sodium from the tortillas alone (31). If you buy vegetable juices and soups from stores, then they are generally loaded with sodium. Everyone would be better off swapping boxed potatoes for more nutritious starches, such as a baked sweet potato or winter squash. 0000102563 00000 n
The bread, processed meat, cheese, and condiments often used to make sandwiches all contribute a significant amount of sodium (4). By reducing the sodium in your diet, you reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, blood pressure issues and many other problems. Medium-potassium foods (50 to 200 mg per serving): 1 ounce of salted peanuts, almonds, or cashews (200) 1 large egg (60 mg) Potassium content of dairy foods: High-potassium foods (more than 200 mg per serving): 6 ounces of yogurt (260 to 435) 1 cup of nonfat, low-fat, or whole milk (350 to 380) Medium-potassium foods (50 to 200 mg per serving): Nutritional Values For Common Foods And Products Daily values are based on 2000 calorie diet and 155 lbs (70 kg) body weight . Make your sandwiches with low-fat, low sodium cheeses, and try not to pile on the condiments. �:�R ae��p�yw�\3FmF����|edsP`0�>�g�fx��$����6_��yQ@|�-�!�����!/F� ��p>ԭ�0L
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For good health, you should limit your use of these processed meats — regardless of the sodium count. Bread (one slice, wheat or white): 66 Actual daily nutrient requirements might be different based on your age, gender, level of physical activity, medical history and other factors. Bread. Sodium is also added to various food products. In another recent analysis, canned chicken or turkey had 212–425 mg of sodium per 3-ounce (85-gram) serving, which is 9–18% of the RDI (8). 0000073515 00000 n
Barbecue sauce is quite salty as well, with 2 tablespoons (30 ml) providing 395 mg of sodium, or 17% of the RDI (16, 33). If you’re a jerky fan, look for meat from grass-fed or organically raised animals, as they tend to have simpler ingredient lists and less sodium. Instead, opt for lower-sodium, natural cheeses, such as Swiss or mozzarella. 730 mg of sodium in just 1 slice. The ones you make from frozen or refrigerated dough may be especially high in sodium, so limit biscuits to an occasional treat (9). Federal government websites always use a .gov or .mil domain. Try some tasty recipes that are lower in sodium and big on flavor! endstream
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If you’re craving something crunchy, consider unsalted nuts instead. Deli meat alone makes up for about 70 percent of most people’s sodium intake, with around 400mg of sodium in each slice of meat. 0000101640 00000 n
If you’re on a sodium-restricted diet, keep pickle portions small (31). These are the foods that Americans eat that add the most sodium to the American diet. control their body weight and restrict sodium intake from foods, drinks, and drugs. Similarly, a 1/2-cup (122-gram) serving of canned asparagus packs 346 mg of sodium, or 15% of the RDI (24, 25). If you like tortillas, opt for whole grain and consider how the sodium count fits into your daily allowance. Opt for fresh-caught ones if you can or check a health food store for frozen shrimp without additives. Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure you’re on a .gov or .mil site by inspecting your browser’s address (or “location”) bar. x�b```g``cb`c`Mcd@ A�;�LpO�9ٱ7�BB���"�l����*��P`�Dj A 55-gram (2-ounce) serving of cold cuts averages 497 mg of sodium, or 21% of the RDI. Food: Calories. �rN����E8=!���M�k�|u%�)w��luz�\�/ɨU �6�sムG��iM����f��ueP�����'��N�y��,)�Z�������vkh Both red and gold beets … Recipes to make baked beans at home may not have any less sodium, but you can modify them to reduce the added salt (41, 42). Breaded, fried shrimp is similarly salty (7, 8). Still, some contained as much as 840 mg of sodium per serving, or 36% of the RDI (9). <<1404CB272631B74BB62DCC10EAF56F64>]>>
Large amounts of sodium can be hidden in canned, processed and convenience foods. Choose foods with potassium to counter the effects of sodium. In a recent national sampling of U.S. foods, researchers found that ham was 14% higher in sodium than in the previous analysis (10). It may help lower your blood pressure. control their body weight and restrict sodium intake from foods, drinks, and drugs. While they don't have an abundance of sodium, eating these foods does add to your overall body sodium content. Slashing the sodium intake of these 10 foods by 25% would lower the amount of sodium in our diets by 10% and could help prevent up to 28,000 … In contrast, a 3-ounce (85-gram) serving of fresh-caught shrimp without salt and additives has just 101 mg of sodium, or 4% of the RDI (7). 0000007790 00000 n
For example, a 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of beef jerky packs 620 mg of sodium, or 27% of the RDI (30). If you opt for barbecue flavor, a serving has 747 mg of sodium, or 32% of the RDI (22, 23). A detailed list of salt or sodium content of common foods such as meat, poultry, fast foods and fish is given below. Ez���i ����M�©m;6�ũ�A���"�h�E�����N(�����C�b��N��e���eL�>�J��:5Kp@16�Om The salt in cottage cheese not only enhances flavor but also contributes to texture and functions as a preservative. Instant pudding. A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of bacon has 233 mg of sodium, or 10% of the RDI. The Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for sodium is 2,300 mg — or about 1 teaspoon of salt (3). u�ӭ�gA�*���*�ev���:�\�؇l�X6=�։A�@��c5���\�������a��q]E1��]*Dp���)��+�w#�f�7A�2v]� .��s��`]ۺ5��E_t!������?F�R^��N�� `��M�B? �]�q�e��F�?�+���~^���ٵ+ԳbW|��26�D���.xe�aPρ]ˋ�v�����K����=)v5g�=�χ��P'�=���e�L��������'W{�a��u� �]���Ŷ���e�6OO��GI�qz�d�r��)�8�i7]=7�:�p�
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Some of them provide almost half the recommended amount of sodium. There’s no sign of food companies cutting back on how heavily they salt this popular meat. You can find unsalted pretzels, but they still shouldn’t be your go-to snack, as they’re usually made with white flour and have minimal nutritional value. For example, tomato soup can range from 700 to 1,260 mg of sodium in 8 ounces (1 cup). Even plain, frozen shrimp are often treated with sodium-rich additives. On average, canned soup has 700 mg of sodium, or 30% of the RDI, per 1-cup (245-gram) serving (9). The portability of jerky and other dried meats makes them a convenient protein source, but salt is used heavily to preserve them and boost flavor. A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of American cheese has 377 mg of sodium, or 16% of the RDI, while the same amount of loaf cheese has 444 mg of sodium, or 19% of the RDI (28, 29). You may even drink fresh fruit juices to get various health benefits from them. Top 10 Sources of Sodium. It’s always best to opt for unprocessed, whole foods. Depending on the meat, the sodium content can vary, but a lot of sodium is added not as salt, but as preservatives like sodium nitrate. You may not think to check the sodium in a can of plain tomato sauce or other canned tomato products, but you should. An 8-inch (55-gram) flour tortilla averages 391 mg of sodium, or 17% of the RDI. Boxed meal helpers contain pasta or another starch along with powdered sauce and seasonings. A detailed list of salt or sodium content of common vegetables, fruits and fruit juices is given in the following table. 0000103194 00000 n
Some fruits are amazing sources of sodium. A 3-ounce (85-gram) serving of nonbreaded frozen shrimp may contain as much as 800 mg of sodium, 35% of the RDI. 0000073243 00000 n
For example, 1 cup (237 milliliters) of low-fat milk has about 100 mg of sodium. A detailed list of salt or sodium content of common foods such as meat, poultry, fast foods and fish is given below. ���\�1�ZBf��6�����\C�L�ml�M�yH�[�OӞXM��ǧf���^�>=b��r�~�z�K#x8�̄g���i��͙����ɐ`�(�.�^���b���k��>>2`Ѐ� �=��y�bMfP7���0a���p�O�fhJ��\�}ӻ��o�O�4�I.�Λ���v��7f�M�2�7�6)���WNu�w��_�
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A 1/2-cup (113-gram) serving of cottage cheese averages 350 mg of sodium, or 15% of the RDI (13). Many foods that do not taste salty may still be high in sodium. 0000119072 00000 n
Unlike other canned beans, you can’t rinse baked beans with water to wash away some of the salt since you’d be washing away the flavorful sauce as well (40). 0000118387 00000 n
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The sodium content of food has important implications for health. 0000001436 00000 n
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This sodium content of foods database contains approximately 7,000 most common food items. Sodium. Some manufacturers are gradually reducing the sodium in certain packaged foods, but change is happening slowly. You will notice that fast foods like cheese burgers, sandwiches, pancakes, hamburger, etc, contain high amount of sodium or salt. 0000009807 00000 n
The same amount of salami packs even more — 1,016 mg, or 44% of the RDI (9, 31). These are the foods that Americans eat that add the most sodium to the American diet. If you want to occasionally eat macaroni and cheese, consider buying a whole grain version and dilute the dish by adding some vegetables, such as broccoli or spinach. Packaged, plain, frozen shrimp commonly contains added salt for flavor, as well as sodium-rich preservatives. Bagels are an especially big sodium contributor, as they tend to run large in size. 0000118645 00000 n
Draining and rinsing canned vegetables for a couple of minutes can reduce sodium content by 9–23%, depending on the vegetable. Sodium is needed for. This lists about everything but sugar content. In addition to the salt we knowingly sprinkle on our food, we eat many foods that contain sodium as a part of their normal chemical composition. Here are the top 25 foods that contribute the most sodium to American’s diets. 0000000016 00000 n
http://www.meschinohealth.com While they don't have an abundance of sodium, eating these foods does add to your overall body sodium content. Sodium … This sodium is from salt and sodium-containing additives — disodium phosphate and tetrasodium pyrophosphate — used to help thicken instant pudding. Turkey bacon can pack just as much sodium, so check the nutrition label (43, 44). Common salt or table salt is a chemical compound of sodium and chlorine and is called sodium chloride. 0000009413 00000 n
H�d���4:��Nn�����(Ұ��7e��Z`��-��wk������k¤2qy$|��wW _���:� Some Major Points about the Table Unprocessed grains are naturally low in sodium. n Raw chicken and other meats can have sodium and flavor solutions added. Salt contains about 40 per cent sodium, and a teaspoon of salt, which weighs about 5 grams, contains about 2 grams of sodium. But this convenience comes at a steep cost — there’s generally around 575 mg of sodium per 1/4–1/2 cup (30–40 grams) of dry mix, or 25% of the RDI (7). Starting a running routine at any age needs to be done gradually. A 1/2-cup (127-gram) serving of baked beans in sauce packs 524 mg of sodium, or 23% of the RDI. Cream crackers 7g (1 cracker) 0.6g 0.04g 0.10g. Many frozen meals are high in sodium, some containing at least half of your daily sodium allotment per dish. Learn which foods contain undesirable amounts of sodium and salt. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 18 Sodium, Na(mg) Content of Selected Foods per Common Measure, sorted alphabetically. You may flavor foods with sauces either during cooking or at the table, but some of that flavor comes from salt. 2. 0000002529 00000 n
The general guideline is to limit your intake of high potassium foods, and to choose acceptable potassium foods more often instead. Many seemingly healthy foods, such as canned veg - etables, often contain added sodium. Sodium. ��*����|O�EnW�i-n�;-2��O��h%CNb�ZG�����/�>֯Q���^�|N�� ��C9`Nђ`�h�h�eB~�%/_�0�N+. n Crunchy pork rinds (skins) have grown in popularity due to increased interest in the low-carb ketogenic diet. 0000117941 00000 n
A food list for sodium content aids you in choosing the healthiest foods for a healthy body. %PDF-1.7
ICa2(��a �@�2�܆)� �f��)�? The most common form of sodium is sodium chloride, which is table salt. The FDA has set a limit of 600 mg of sodium for a frozen meal to qualify as healthy. An even better option is to make your own. More than 40% of the sodium we eat each day comes from only 10 types of food. Canned Soups 0000102008 00000 n
Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 0000102274 00000 n
Some of them provide almost half the recommended amount of sodium. Others are higher in sodium than most breads. Though vegetables are incredibly healthy, many people don't get enough servings each day. A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of pretzels averages 322 mg of sodium, or 14% of the RDI (10). Look at the table below. However, a recent analysis suggests that manufacturers have lowered the sodium in macaroni and cheese by an average of 10% (31). Listings for the grocery and a few fast food chains large in size American.! Amounts rather than from overusing your salt shaker ( 4 ) eat each day sodium.. Recommended allowance of sodium even when it ’ s also relatively high in salt does add to overall! Salt ( 3 ) product line ( 39 ) important implications for health your risk of salt-sensitive... And chlorine and is called sodium chloride, which is table salt is a chemical compound of,! Versions ( 14 ), 31 ) a limit of 600 mg of sodium even when ’... 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