Ask the Lord to strip you of any stored up unforgiveness, anger, bitterness and hurt. My husband left corporate america and started a business in 2007. Anyone can be, especially Christians and I would say you are. Pray to god &Jesus ask jesus to take control and lead you life ,,please do read holy bible , there is power in God’s word , keep pray and live in God’s word and his principles, God will heal you and evil spirits will eventually fade away, keep in mind god is grater one in the whole universe. Jezebel embodied evil during her lifetime on Earth. Rev 2:20: Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because you allowed that woman Jezebel. As you thought of and prayed about your sins, you have been forgiven. Please don’t let one bad experience turn you away from the lord or make Him doubt his love for you. Go and live the beautiful life. This church has ran off two pastors, one of which was forced into retirement. However, I have seen her on a few occasions giving my Husband a seductive look and other men as well. Please pray to HIM to completely cleanse me of all my pride and self righteousness and all my sins and hidden Sins and to give me true repentance and humble me. May I suggest you turn to Ellel ministry for help. That was our reason for God allowing that pain. Elizabeth, In fact, I didn’t understand and recognize it for what it was until I read this article. Jezebel spirits are masters of manipulation by guilt and undermining or discrediting another’s influence. this is the type of gal that's sweet and friendly on the surface, but underneath there's an agenda for everything she does. Hello: I completely understand, the same thing happened to a friend of mine. If I give in Jezebel wins. I have seen this and experienced this for 13 years in my former church. I bind and rebuke that spirit and release God’s spirit to give you peace, protection and freedom. As a believer you have power in the Holy Spirit! Its opposition, not possession. And sometime , when there was a single Pastor was fell in love with me, and the praise and worship leader and the members gave me advised to file my divorce because they know my husband is a foreigner and was married with another woman in his country, but I trully can not accepted and I left that church and the praise and worship team because I have a dream that I must left that church and I was afraid if I die because in my dream I heard God’s voice said “Don’t touch the river of Spirit, or you die! I started to realize when we were separated, she’d go and destroy my name to each and everyone. Why? Secondly, if this person goes to your church and refuses to repent and ask for deliverance, you may need to ask them to step away from your congregation. Once when she was acting in all out rage, her mum said if anything happens to her that she’d blame me!!! – not true. That’s what Jesus was talking about with the log and the speck. And when the same thing was happened again at another church, I was directly left the other church, shared my dream to the wife of Leader Pastor and praying for everybody saved, but than seems like there was a replacement for my dream, than another single and virgin Pastor was rape and killed in this year, in another area. When someone calls another person a “Jezebel,” they mean a few things by this. Article Images Copyright ©. We were burned at three churches in a row until we realized the lord was calling us to start a fellowship in the area where we live. 10 Ways to Improve All Your Relationships, 10 Things Selfish People Always Do in Relationships, 4 Things You're Doing That Are Keeping You Anxious, 10 Ways to Deal with the Difficult People in Your Church, The Bow and the Arrow - Crosswalk the Devotional - February 2, Do Your Words Hurt or Heal? While at the same time, the Religious Spirit stands staunchly to make sure that no laws change. In electricity. It seems like this happens when I first start every job. He can learn a skill and earn from it. It is incredibly foolish to believe that only one being can inhabit a house at a time. find a therpist who specializes in narcisstic abuse and listen to messages of hope by joel osteen to keep yourself from slipping into suicidal depression. I saw my first demon standing in my room the day before I was going to have my confession, let me tell you how angry this thing was. Be fruitful. But with practice you will beat them. You must have faith. Everything was created by frequencies of God… as He is the light and light has frequencies and the more the power the more the frequency. If someone also has all these traits coupled with suspect prophetic ability, along with the powers of seduction, they may be under the influence of this spirit. Never alter a word. My point is that sometimes people operating in the flesh think they can discern spirits and they can’t. And sometime I also saw another thing that I can not explain in my dream, and really make me afraid to God and I don’t want to file the divorce. Continue to pray for this person that they may have a clarity of spirit and a spirit of repentance. The purpose of the witchcraft is to wear you down little by little to control your life. Secondly, the spirit often uses manipulation or deception to get what it wants. It is our duty as a follower of Christ to seek him and gain knowledge and wisdom through through the Holy Spirit. Mostly I believe this is because leaders have called themselves instead of waiting on the Lordfor a calling. The spirit of Jezebel is behind the daughter of Democracy, i.e. Take peace and comfort from these words and don’t give power to the people who, in this fallen world, are operating from a place of unholiness, when they so flippantly throw these accusations at you. I encourage you to pray about it. That business ended up failing and so he started another business that after 7 years, still has not launched. After researching this person I’ve found she is connected framing people of crimes, enticing others to outright commit crimes and also connected to some who have taken their own life. cry out to jesus He will rescue you. Or maybe these people are unfamiliar with your communication style. Demons can tempt believers, but they cannot inhabit them. Many believe that this type of spirit may be Satan’s smartest and most cunning and evil spirit he has, and he thus dispatches this kind of spirit on specific targets so he can get the most bang for his buck. I don’t believe I am, but I want to know for sure. With that said, we do want to avoid this spirit (as well as any evil spirit, for that matter) at all costs. It doesn’t sound as if you have a Jezebel spirit. The Pastor in the Church I was attending, until just recently, believes I’m under the influence of this evil Jezebel spirit. Thank you so much for all this process, although I don’t understand where I have to go and I keep hoping my husband will forgive me in Jesus name. Confess, repent, forgive, and turn away from your sins. After more digging I found the common thread in all of her targets is that they are all believers or have some type of Christian background. I understand your frustrations In having to hold up the household, I’ve been in this position for a while . On such occasions where discernment must be implemented, pray and ask for guidance and clarity when it comes to approaching this person. This is false! For example, some of the function names of demons would be spirits of lust, spirits of anger, spirits of murder, etc. 13yrs seems long enough and the economy is really unstable now; but God can make a way where there dosen’t seem to be a way when we are willing to do it his way and His Word says that a man who does not provide for his own family is worse than an infidel. I believe the Holy Spirit is telling you to Memorize that. It’s apparent that, in the demonology of some, the “spirit of Ahab” is associated with a wide variety of problems. My sister said it talked to her. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc Bind that spirit up and cast it out. Each day as we bind – all principlaliteis, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places, generational and territorial demons. ❤️. This high level evil spirit has been responsible for tearing down many churches, pastors, people … Each day we (me and our children) are on the alert. The Jezebel spirit is a warning to make God’s people aware it’s out there. And when that happens, they’ve built their entire ministry on flesh. It can be very upsetting to be the main financial provider as things may seem & feel “out of order” Biblically. The two are in constant deadlock. But many of the characteristics described fits her like glove. Run as far away from this people as possible because all they want to do is destroy whom they can’t control. We are following the Lamb (Rev. It is a total control freak, and it is also very good at manipulation and getting people to do its evil bidding. Do not fear people may have rejected you but God has never left you nor will he forsake you. It’s 2 Timothy 3:2-5( and this is talking about “The Last Days” &that’s Today!) I have interacted with many of Jezebel’s influenced Christians. She would come online with these unreasonable assumptions and would be so committed to driving the knife into my already shattered heart. The Jezebel spirit will try to infect and contaminate the person it is in so they too will operate with these same kinds of evil traits. If this spirit is not properly exposed and dealt with within a reasonable length of time, it can totally destroy and completely bring down a marriage, church, ministry, company, or an individual’s life. He does not have to return to corporate America in order to provide for his family. I worked in children’s and community outreach. In that conference meeting were demons of different class and with different authority. I’ve been through the same things. Jesus faced many demons at different points in his life, and he was God’s son. The problem is many Christians don’t read the word and understand the power that they have. He can save every lost soul and bring back every prodigal son into his home. The spirit of Jezebel is defeated by the name and nature of Jesus worked in us-His love, gentleness, meekness, humility, and blessing. This person put a curse on me and within one day I was confined to bed, so exhausted, and 2 months later diagnosed with a rare, aggressive deforming dermal breast cancer, and my prayer partners, friends have been attacked. A female who is seeking attention from and possibly plotting to use someone who is wealthy or otherwise desirable in order to gain status in society. What was the purpose? The main problem with the idea of an “Ahab spirit” is that the Bible never teaches it. As such we have to battle that evil spirit with the holy spirit. The fact that this business is being done “as ministry that will help many” gives my husband reason to press on when the uncertainty, lack of savings and constant change and chaos are simply too much for a person with a traumatic childhood. She has convinced my sister that she is all my sister has in this world. Our Lord is amazing and beautiful and worthy of us focusing on Him, so that we can be the best us that we are able to be….every day. The verses used to justify a lot of what is being stated on this page and in these comments (such as Ephesians 6:12) are being twisted to fit a specific viewpoint that is not inherent within the text. Leave it to GOD and rest in him to know it will all work out. (1 Peter 4:7-8). But most likely this wickedness comes in the form of adultery or sexual sin. I do not want to cause my husband pain yet I am in so much pain carrying so much pressure that I might act like I have Jezabel in me. However, when you come across a Jezebel spirit, it is something quite different. Of course she was raging with anger while talking to the two team members. This article mentions a hierarchy of evil spirits and suggests this is one higher up due to its cunning nature and ability to pull more than one trick out of its hat. When I turned away, a darkness filled my soul and I was filled with rage. Ask Holy Spirit how long should your fast be for? It has always amazed me over the years that this kind of spirit can get very smart and intelligent people to do its evil bidding so easily. In the same way Queen Jezebel coerced others to do her bidding, the spirit will try to do the same through subtlety and sneaking. say it daily it will take awhile many weeks or months, as these evil spirits do not let go of you in a day or two. Pride is Leviathan spirit get scriptures on God slaying the dragon(Leviathan) with your strong sword O God. Satan is very subtle. This notion is founded on the belief that the Holy Spirit (one of the Holy Trinity) resides in a person’s body as its temple. Perhaps the best way to define the Jezebel spirit is to say it characterizes anyone who acts in the same manner as Jezebel did, engaging in immorality, idolatry, false teaching, and unrepentant sin. Read Psalms 91 and stand on His word to redeem your identity in God as Daughter of Abba Father. For those of you who have been hit and slimed by this evil spirit, or have encountered it in some way, you will know exactly what I am going to talk about in this article. It’s not a fun gift to have. If this person is a part of your congregation, make sure to exercise proper church discipline. Or perhaps the spirit of Jezebel never went away.” Writing about the misuse of the trope to smear women in her 2013 book “Jesus Feminist: An Invitation to Revisit the Bible’s View of Women,” Christian writer Sarah Bessey said that “when a woman exhibits leadership, she’s accused of having that Jezebel spirit.” I rebuke any spirit dwelling in places where only you belong, I declare this for myself, my home, my family. sorry but your husband sounds like he is the one with the problem.if God wants him in a certain business to help the poor, it would be doing well by now. So always be on your guard. Three female demons were sent to my house one was the leader, she was extremely arrogant and forceful in nature. God logic is very relevant in the world we live in. Jezebel, in the Old Testament, embodied wickedness. The Jezebel spirit is not just one spirit like Satan is. I know my fault and weakness. She killed men for their vineyards and threatened to murder one of the only remaining prophets because he spouted messages that didn’t digest well for her. Pray God will send someone special into your life at this time in your life. Without the negative their is no power. Only God can have dominion over a spirit such as this. Instead, she connived with others to get it done for her. It’s because of several key persons, this church is in crisis and has decreased its membership to about 30. Stress levels very very high. God is on your side, and wants to free you and restore you. Jezebel appears in the Hebrew Bible as evil incarnate, a nonbeliever who has become a catchword for female cunning. If the basic instinct like hunger is tackled no other desires can rule over us. To do this, we first have to recognize the tell-tale signs of a Jezebel spirit inside of someone. Enter the Jezebel spirit. Below is a list of the personality traits of this kind of evil spirit. Satan, the chief of the kingdom of darkness, has multiple team of demons that are assigned in bullions of teams and groups, all are given their assignments like job descriptions to destroy God’s people and God’s mission to save and deliver His people from the pit of hell!!! ❤. I’m also praying that you will not be influenced by a spirit of fear or a spirit of manipulation, but by His love and His truth and the courage to speak and deal honestly with your husband about this situation. My husband and I planted a church, and he was the pastor. And I was thinking, that’s the way to let him know how is my feeling, and hoping he is come back to me. Your husband needs to take his rightful headship spiritually and emotionally. I perceive that where you go next will be where he wants you to be. God showed me in my dream that it’s the Power over the Jezebel Spirit . I lived with the same thing but I kept my faith in God and sad to say she died in her sleep at an early age, I cant say I was happy about it but I was releaved but sad to say I see the same thing happening to my present wife. If you get the chills as your saying it, say it over and over until the chills are released from your body. Please help me…I really need a guidance. If this spirit is in you, you’ll know! Baptism - What Does it Mean and Why Is it Important? Then that leader demon said i tell them not to send you two with me because you are both cowards. It knows it wreaks havoc and destruction. A lot of people in the community was harmed in the process, and WE alone do not stand a chance against it, BUT GOD standing with us, much prayer, fasting, and love and speaking God’s truth with LOVE and Mercy can in fact BRING IT DOWN. Remember you can do nothing to change yourself the Lord, through the power of the Holy Spirit, He will transform you into His image. My husband is a Godly man and has a vision for his business that he says is ordained by god and that he is annointed to help the poor through his business. In Jesus name you are forgiven , sealed by the holy spirit. Looking back over my 5 encounters I have had with this spirit, the one thing I have noticed are two specific things: One, this spirit operates in basically the same way every time it moves in on someone. But it’s not the person, right? Jezebel was the same during her time on Earth. It’s not a threat or to impose fear. This evil queen of Israel murdered God’s prophets and reinstituted the worship of foreign idols such as Baals in Israel. She knows how to keep the law and authority on her side as she is cunning and intelligent. It is so in Jesus name. Remember.. Satans rule is based off of man’s disobedience.. That’s it! This is all wonderful except I have had to work harder than I ever wanted to support this. I am not sure if there is a spirit of Jezebel present; however, there seems to be a lot of built up anger and resentment (equally deadly/destructive). PLEASE PRAY TO LORD JESUS, FOR MY SALVATION! Leave this place!” . I plead Jesus blood over you and I declare Jesus Christ is your refuge and your strong tower. You can seek counsel on this, but in general, in order to preserve ourselves and our lives, we need to separate from narcissists, or they will seek our demise. I have much more on this but I’ll stop now. Her 33:3 call to me and I will answer you. Just have faith. It has truly taught me complete reliance on the Lord, a lesson I wish I didn’t have to learn this way. Keep this in mind, even though the Jezebel spirit is named after Queen Jezebel, it knows no gender. Jezebel means the un-husbanded (or un-wifed if you are a man that has it) and is a counterfeit Holy Spirit – meaning that you will act like you are loving and kind and being directed by the Lord most of the time but instead of being pure and Godly you behave contrary to the Holy Spirit. Confess personally to Christ himself….no one else needed. You just need to get free. I’m by no means an expert on this subject, but one thing I do know is that “A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand” was just Jesus explaining that he is not working with demons. Remember to seek God always through prayer and by reading the Word. You are acting as if Satans kingdom operates with some type of order!? Decide to believe what the scriptures say. Greetings, I really do not have the time to be engaged in additional activities but I have to reply to this. There is no doubt about the smear campaign designed to destroy my image in everyone’s eyes! You are just tired and exhausted. God is the beginning and end of all things. Understand that when a person as a demonic spirit possession, it is more than likely many spirits. I always crying and asking forgiveness from God and hoping there is a good time and a chance for me to meet my husband again. Go to a church and do a confession this is the greatest hate of a demon, CONFESSION at first you will feel uncomfortable talking about your sins, but you will feel free once you leave that church I promise you.Thats how you burn the demons off you. How to know if the spirit that lead me from God or Jezebel ? Do not concentrate on revenge; concentrate on your healing. It’s often characterized by being seductive, unrepentant, and destructive. As Romans 12:1 admonishes, as children of God, we ought to give ourselves to the renewing of our minds by studying the Word of God, it has to be intentional. Jezebel loves being in authority and in control. For example, a spirit of anger will only try to make you mad and angry, but a Jezebel spirit will play a number of different games with you as I will show you below when I start to describe the way it will operate and the different kinds of games it will use to try and bring you down. I was standing on a Rock and God was in front of me. This article is part of our larger resource library of Christian practices and disciplines important to the Christian faith. Be happy. Jesus was is and will always be from the beginning to the end the son of God who died for my salvation. A person may display all of these traits and still not be inhabited or influenced by a Jezebel spirit. To help my unbelief and give me true saving faith on Christ alone (Hebrews 12:2) and true repentance from Godly sorrow which leads to salvation and to remove all the worldly sorrow (despair, self pity, unbelief, etc) and cause me to be truly born again in CHRIST. God bless xx. That said … I pray for God’s will in my life and greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. God works on frequencies and so do demons. You mean you can see them? Hi Andrea, since you are a Christian and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, you cannot be possessed but you can be oppressed. Whenever you feel like you’re being provoked to anger remember what God has already done and rebuke the spirit immediately! Again, she is married not only it is disrespectful to her Husband but to me as well but most of all doing this foolishness in the house of the Lord!! Its modus operandi is to tear apart holy and pure institutions and relationships. Step 2. Some people have called this a “master” type spirit. They just want ultimate control over our lives. Anyways this spirit takes over a person and you’ll find yourself being manipulated, the subject will be very fine with other people but with you it’s a different mind game, hence they’ll appear very normal and nice in the public eye and they will torture you behind closed doors. So, If you want to be free, forgive your husband. You had loss your identity in God, the enemy Put a fear in you to destroy your life. God says it makes you stronger and you must be on guard. Not that it is a master spirit in the sense of being like God, but that it is much more intelligent and cunning than a lot of the other demons are. 1. This far from being truthful. What does jezebel mean? So I left that church and the Leader Pastor still called me to come back to the team, and I know his purpose that the other single Pastor was wanted me more than a member of praise and worship team. The Spirit of Jezebel is basically a controlling spirit working through the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Its smart, do not forget the demons have been around for thousands of years their skills on how to make you trip over is very easy, they have had a lot of time to practice . This article helped me by giving pointers of how to pray for him, but as the article says he is so consumed with pride, I accept it may never happen. Therefore, I don’t think that Satan’s “kingdom” is divided against itself, or at least the Bible doesn’t say it is. I have a husband (Pastor) with what I perceive is a Jezebel Spirit, for the 20yrs of marriage it has been horrific. And depicted as a woman with a Jezebel spirit. In the Church—You see the Jezebel Spirit and the Religious Spirit … We have such a large blood family and family of believers and are shocked that somehow this jezebel spirit got its claws into someone we love. Jesus is Lord in that church, not the Pastor nor the elders. What Is the Tithe? I read about Jezebel spirit carefully. I married the love of my life 30 years ago yet the past 15 years have been extremely difficult. So many people think they have a gift of discernment because they read a book about it. Before we dive into the ways to defeat a Jezebel spirit that has influenced or inhabited someone, we need to understand that the power to do so comes from the Lord. He is greater than all demons of hell! When your rage starts and you know when it starts get your rosary or just saying out loud. Call upon Jesus. Although these characteristics don’t always hint at someone having a Jezebel spirit, they are very much symptoms of being influenced or possessed by one. Have peace within you and enjoy your life and let all this worry and upset slide off you. Sometimes the Lord will allow a situation in our life to occur to get our attention so we will pray (commune, fellowship, build a relationship) with him. Here's How We Know, 6 Ways Christians Can Find Hope and Courage in Seasons of Strife, 4 Reasons Why Christians Should Still Invest in Local Churches, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright © 2021, Like a child needs milk to grow, we cannot grow and flourish without knowledge of who we are in Christ Jesus. Satan is the author of all this turmoil, and those who would tear you down are willingly serving him, even if they aren’t aware of that sin in their life at the moment. Do not give in to Satan’s accusations upon your life (Revelations 12:7-11). Hi Sis, yes there is hope first understand your Authority, you have AUTHORITY over that jezebel spirit that’s operating. , false believers who walk in the positive things in your faith don ’ t make disciples of things... 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