Moon jellyfishes, Aurelia aurita (Linnaeus, 1758), aka saucer jellies, moon jellies and common sea jellies, range between 5-40 cm in diameter. Disclaimer Copyright, Share Your Knowledge Habit, Habitat and Structure of Aurelia Aurita: 4. The gastro vascular system also removes excretory matter. Gonads are endodermal and the cavities of tentaculocysts and marginal tentacles are lined by endodermal cells. Daur Hidup Aurelia Aurita – Pengertian, Klasifikasi Dan Perbedaan – Ubur-ubur adalah hewan karnivor yang hidup di laut dan jenisnya amat beragam, dari yang berukuran kecil hingga berukuran raksasa.Ubur-ubur yang sangat umum dijumpai di laut adalah dari Kelas Scyphozoa (Scyphomedusae) dan diperkirakan ada 200 jenis. [1]​, La reproducción sexual tiene lugar mediante la unión de gametos, posteriormente los huevos se desarrollan en las gónadas, las cuales se encuentran ubicadas en las bolsas formadas por los brazos orales, en la parte inferior del estómago. MAKALAH EKOLOGI HEWAN Ekologi Cnidaria (Aurelia aurita) Kelompok 2: Suci Aulia Putri 14177051 Strobilation is brought about by intensive feeding followed by a drop in the temperature. Each lobe has two exaggerated marginal lappets with a deep groove between them having a short tentacle which becomes a tentaculocyst. The ephyra feeds largely on protozoans which are caught by the lappets and transferred to the mouth. La medusa común (Aurelia aurita), también conocida como medusa sombrilla, medusa luna, medusa platillo o medusa de cuatro ojos es una especie de medusa de la clase de los escifozoos, una de las más abundantes. Nematocysts 5. In this metamorphosis, an oral cone or manubrium is formed, the blastopore opens to become the mouth. The rapid and rhythmic contraction of these muscle processes brings about swimming movements in Aurelia. Acto seguido, se debe aislar un pequeño número de ejemplares de la población inicial en otro acuario que mimetice las condiciones del acuario en el que estaban, para incentivar que se produzca una expansión de las colonias por clonación. These are, then, drawn into the body of female medusa through its mouth along with the water current. Metamorphosis of Ephyra 14. Planula larva may be seen in masses on the oral arms of female medusae. The oxygen requirement of the medusa is very small compared to its weight, because the jelly-fish contains about 96% of water. Esta especie ha sido bien estudiado, y es una exposición común tanto en acuar The thread is long having spiral row of small spines and opens at the tip. Share Your PDF File (ii) The polypoid phase— scyphistoma is greatly reduced in size and multiplies by fission in addition to budding. The ephyra grows in size, the spaces between notched lobes fill up, mesogloea increases tremendously pushing the endoderm layers together to form an endoderm lamella except in the enteron, four oral arms and marginal tentacles appear, the septal funnels become subgenital pits, and by summer the ephyra becomes an adult medusa. Habit, Habitat and Structure of Aurelia Aurita: Aurelia Aurita is a commonest jelly-fish or moon-jelly, occurs in coastal waters of tropical and temperate oceans of the world close to the surface of water. Sin embargo, también se han registrado ejemplares en zonas con temperaturas tan altas como 30°C y tan bajas como 6°C. Respiration and Excretion 9. 2. Share Your PPT File. Abundancia: Especie poco frecuente y difícil de ver en la costa porque no alcanza las aguas superficiales. The particular species Aurelia aurita is often called “moon jelly,” after its milky, translucent color and shape. The gonads are horse-shoe-shaped and reddish in colour. They can be recognized by their delicate and exquisite coloration, often in patterns of spots and streaks. The butt is dilated distally and has unequal spines; it opens at the tip. Peligrosidad: Muy Alta. La seva distribució és cosmopolita i es troba en aigües de tot el món menys en les molt fredes dels pols. However, alternation of generations shown by Aurelia does not truly correspond with that found in Obelia, because: (i) The medusoid phase, in Aurelia Aurita, is formed by the metamorphosis of ephyra and not as a bud from the polypoid (scyphistoma) form. Aurelia aurita medusak, Donostiako Aquariumean. A true velum like those of hydrozoan medusae is absent in Aurelia because it lacks muscles and nerve ring. Se alimenta de pequeños invertebrados que recoge con sus tentáculos. The corners of mouth and oral arms are per-radial in position, while gonads and sub-genital pits are inter-radial in position. After summer the hydratuba ceases to bud, it continues feeding and storing food. Then the gastrula elongates, its blastopore closes and ectoderm becomes ciliated to form the planula larva. In this article we will discuss about Aurelia Aurita:-1. Reproductive System of Aurelia Aurita: 12. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to share notes in Biology. Nervous System 10. Histology of Aurelia Aurita 3. Four pairs of gastric filaments form in the inter-radial mesenteries. Several sense organs are localised near the tentaculocyst. En Asia, particularmente en China e Indonesia se utiliza para consumo humano. Para la historietista francesa, véase,, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores LCCN, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores Microsoft Academic, Licencia Creative Commons Atribución Compartir Igual 3.0. If there is less food and the temperature is high then ephyrae are produced one at a time (monodisc strobilation). Ge­o­graphic Range Moon jel­lies in­habit the coastal re­gions of the Pa­cific Ocean from San Diego, Cal­i­for­nia, to Prince William Sound, Alaska. El diámetro de su umbrela varía entre 250 y 400 mm. Welcome to BiologyDiscussion! The muscular strands contract and break, so that the ephyrae are constricted off one by one and they swim away. The stomach occupies a greater part of the centre of the bell in the form of four extensions called gastric pouches situated inter-radially. Development and Life History 13. All the four comers of the mouth are drawn out into four long, mobile, delicate, frilled and tapering processes called the oral arms. Their behavior depends on a number of external conditions, in particular, food supply. The second nerve net is more diffuse with smaller nerve cells in the endoderm of both sub-umbrella and ex-umbrella. Ciclo de Vida de la Aurita jaleas luna están entre los más comúnmente conocido de la gelatina de pescado medusan. Enzymes digest proteins, carbohydrates, fats and even chitin. The digested food is taken up by amoebocytes and distributed by them. Hábitat y ecología de Aurelia aurita Pelágica, que se acerca a la costa a causa de las corrientes, a veces presentándose en charcas de marea. También puede atraparlo sobre la umbrela, gracias a un mucus pegajoso por el que se desliza hasta su boca. Hakchenda Khun (a menudo abreviado en Chenda), conocida como Aurélia Aurita (Châtenay-Malabry, Altos del Sena, Francia, 10 de abril de 1980) es una historietista francesa, autora de novelas gráficas, de origen chino y jemer. Sus numerosas terminaciones nerviosas, blancas, son visibles en su endodermo, desde el centro hasta el borde de la umbrela. Sex cells originate in the endoderm of gonads. Current filters. The successive ephyrae released from the strobila are devoid of tentacles. Thus, the gullet, stomach with gastric pouches and all the canals constitute the gastro vascular canal system or enteron cavity. Aurelia aurita usually grows to approximately 25 cm in diameter but can reach 40 cm. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. Just below each gonad in the subumbrellar surface, is a circular aperture called sub-genital pit of unknown function. Daur Hidup Aurelia Aurita. Ephyra larvae lie on each other, they are joined by muscular strands in the mesenteries which are continuous through all the ephyrae. It may live for years feeding and budding in summer and producing ephyra in winter. The food is caught by oral arms and tentacles and transferred to the mouth. The planula differs from that of Hydrozoa in its method of formation and in having a coelenteron and blastopore. It lives either singly or in large groups found floating or swimming freely. The transverse discs of the scyphistoma which have been produced by strobilation look like a serial pile of saucers, and each disc is an ephyra larva. Polyps specializing in reproduction produce ephyra (small medusae) by budding. It usually measures about 7.5-10 cm in diameter, though much larger forms (up to 30 cm in diameter) have also been recorded from Atlantic coast. The gonads are provided with delicate fine thread-like gastric filaments bearing nematocysts in the gastric pouches. The appearance of tentaculocysts marks the formation of an organ in coelenterata which have in general reached only a tissue grade of organisation. Gastro Vascular Canal System of Aurelia Aurita: 8. Hábitat de la Aurelia aurita Se trata de una especie con una gran capacidad de adaptación que puede vivir en aguas cálidas y templadas de los mares y océanos, por eso suelen encontrarse en abundancia en la zona tropical o cerca del trópico. The polypoid form scyphistoma represents asexual generation, which reproduces asexualiy by budding or fission. Esta medusa prefiere los ecosistemas marinos costeros, aunque en ocasiones puede ser encontrada en alta mar. In Aurelia if the food is plentiful and the temperature is low, then many ephyrae are produced at one time (polydisc strobilation). Food undergoes preparatory digestion in the stomach and its pouches, this is, extracellular digestion. The free swimming adult Aurelia, representing the medusoid form, is the sexual generation which reproduces by the formation of gametes. A root-like stolon arises at the base of the hydra tuba, which feeds and buds off new hydratubae from its stolon throughout summer. En especial aparece en aquellas cuya temperatura oscila entre los 9° y los 19°C. These have small capsule and the butt is short in them. Metamorphosis of Ephyra into Aurelia Aurita: 14. Before the first ephyra is released, from the top of its 16 tentacles are absorbed and 8 notched lobes are formed with a tentaculocyst in each lobe. Four horse-shoe-shaped pinkish gonads, which later become circular, are situated between oral arms in the centre of the subumbrellar surface. But ciliary feeding also takes place, as the animal moves downwards, plankton is trapped in mucus covering the sub- umbrella surface, flagella moves the food-laden mucus to the bell margin from where it is taken up by oral arms and transferred to the mouth, The gastric filaments kill or paralyze living food. It is concentrated near the tentaculocysts and it extends into the oral arms and tentacles. A mature polyp reproduces asexually, known as budding forming an entire colony of polyps. L' aurèlia (Aurelia aurita) és una espècie de medusa de la classe dels Escifozous, una de les més abundants. Nutrition 8. The muscle processes are arranged longitudinally in tentacles, manubrium and oral arms. Alcanzan su madurez sexual comúnmente en primavera y verano. Zoology, Invertebrate Zoology, Phylum Coelenterata, Aurelia Aurita. A l' Àsia, particularment a la Xina i Indonèsia, s'utilitza per a consum humà. Species (8) Thus, the stages in the life history of Aurelia are male and female medusae → gametes → zygotes → ciliated planula larvae → hydratubae → scyphistomae → ephyra → medusa. Moon jelly in sunlight. Su endodermo es de color blanco y transparente, y su ectodermo, también transparente, es a menudo ligeramente azulado o rosado. La especie de hoy se conoce también bajo los nombres de medusa luna y medusa sombrilla,corresponde a la medusa común un animal perteneciente a la especie de los escifozoos. The margin of umbrella, in between notches, is provided with numerous, small, closely arranged hollow marginal tentacles. In general, Aurelia is an inshore genus that can be found in estuaries and harbors. Brooding time varies among different populations of Aurelia aurita; a period of 7-11 days has been documented in moon jelly populations in Tokyo Bay (Ishii and Takagi 2003). Al final del verano se asocian para la reproducción. Share Your Word File Such a mesogloea is a collenchyma and it differs from the mesogloea of hydrozoan medusae. Thus, in a sense, Aurelia Aurita exhibits the phenomenon of alternation of generations in its life history. Privacy Policy3. Very large eggs of Aurelia become actinula larvae (an advanced type of planula which is like a polyp and has a short stem) which directly form ephyrae larvae. The endoderm of coelenteron forms four inter-radial longitudinal ridges called gastric ridges or mesenteries. It has eight notched lobes or arms which are per-radial and inter-radial. The outer cell layer of gastrula represents ectoderm and inner cell layer represents endoderm which encloses a cavity, the coelenteron opening to the exterior by a wide aperture called blastopore. There are no specialised organs for respiration and excretion. Oleh Dosen Pendidikan 2 Diposting pada 01/11/2020. Four hollow buds arise per-radially to become tentacles. The hydratuba generally winters over the first year and may bud other hydratubae, but next winter it undergoes a process of transverse fission and called strobilation, the dividing hydratuba is called a scyphistoma or strobila. The oral arms are provided with a ciliated groove on its inner side and they are also provided with numerous nematocysts. However, A. aurita is … All these sixteen canals open in the circular or ring canal situated at the margin of the umbrella. Otorga una breve definición de cada concepto y las de todos sus relacionados. Tag: habitat ubur ubur. Eight un-branched ad-radial canals arise, two from each gastric pouch, between the inter-radial and per-radial canals. It exhibits tetramerous radial symmetry. The muscle processes constitute a strong, broad circular band called coronal muscle. Musculature 6. Salt con­tent and water tem­per­a­ture af­fect shape, size and re­pro­duc­tive strate­gies. The mouth becomes square and the manubrium sinks down to form funnel-like depressions called septal funnels or infundibula. En los machos, las gónadas son blancas o amarillas, y en las hembras, rosas o moradas. Alternation of Generations. It controls local reactions, such as feeding, but it can also inhibit bell pulsations because the two nerve nets are joined through the tentaculocysts. These jel­lies can live in wa­ters with a salt con­tent as low as 0.6%. The cells of blastula, from one pole, invaginate to form a double layered gastrula. Answer Now and help others. The musculature of the body of Aurelia Aurita is well developed and confined to its subumbrellar surface only. It consists of the striated and non-striated muscle processes of the epitheliomuscular cells of epidermis only. The subumbrellar surface bears the following: In the centre of subumbrellar surface, there is a well developed but short and inconspicuous manubrium bearing a large squarish mouth. (With Methods)| Industrial Microbiology, How is Cheese Made Step by Step: Principles, Production and Process, Enzyme Production and Purification: Extraction & Separation Methods | Industrial Microbiology, Fermentation of Olives: Process, Control, Problems, Abnormalities and Developments. A veces es lanzada a tierra en gran número, pues no es una nadadora especialmente poderosa y vive en aguas superficiales de todos los mares del mundo. This is the main nerve net, it causes pulsations of the bell by controlling the ectodermal coronal and radial muscles. In the epitheliomuscular cells the epithelial part is much reduced, and on the sub-umbrella side it is entirely absent, the muscular part is converted into contractile striated muscle fibres. Tentaculocysts or rhopalia are characteristic sense organs of Scyphozoa. Development and formation of planula larva: Inside the pouch, the zygote undergoes holoblastic cleavage but unequal and results in the formation of a solid ball of cells called morula. Which organelle is known as “power house” of the cell? Sense Organs 11. This jellyfish (Aurelia aurita) is common in mid water and near the surface. Respiration and Excretion in Aurelia Aurita: 11. The zygote develops into fixed polypoid form called scyphistoma through a free swimming planula stage. Aurelia aurita is a pelagic species but may be found washed up on the shore. Section. Search for Aurelia aurita returned 8 results Refine results Refine results. The ephyrae break away one by one from the upper surface of the scyphistoma, and then they get inverted. The endoderm (gastro dermis) has columnar ciliated epithelial cells, they have no muscle processes; the endoderm lines the enteron except the gullet. Development and formation of scyphistoma from planula larva: The planula will metamorphose into a small polyp or hydra tuba which has no perisarc. The nematocysts are confined only to gastric filaments. The gonads, however, have no connection with sub-genital pits. At the four corners of the mouth are four per-radial canals situated at right angle to each other, four inter-radial canals are present in between the per-radial canals. These processes are presumably performed by the whole body surface. The gastro vascular system fulfils the functions of digestion and circulation. These have oval capsule and their butt is narrow. Aurelia Aurita is a commonest jelly-fish or moon-jelly, occurs in coastal waters of tropical and temperate oceans of the world close to the surface of water. The gastro vascular system brings about respiration since the current of water carries oxygen in its circulation and removes carbon dioxide. The amoebocytes are derived probably from the ectoderm, they wander freely and transport food and waste matter. Son animales de una apariencia gelatinosa, sin embargo, poseen una delicada belleza. Name the types of nitrogenous bases present in the RNA. La medusa común (Aurelia aurita), también conocida como medusa sombrilla, medusa luna, medusa platillo o medusa de cuatro ojos es una especie de medusa de la clase de los escifozoos, una de las más abundantes. There are two olfactory pits as depressions, one on the ex-umbrella and the other internal to the tentaculocyst, their sensory epithelium is olfactory. 1 Su seudónimo es el nombre binomial de una especie de medusa, Aurelia aurita. Tiene un cuerpo circular, en forma de copa. I Medusa aurelia: Características, hábitat, ... El nombre científico de esta especie es Aurelia Aurita y se trata de una medusa de forma circular con forma de copa y de un tamaño bastante pequeño. Yeast: Origin, Reproduction, Life Cycle and Growth Requirements | Industrial Microbiology, How is Bread Made Step by Step? The mouth leads into a short gullet within the manubrium which finally opens into a four- lobed spacious stomach. Aurelia auritaes un organismo que se distribuye ampliamente por todo el planeta. Se reproducen tanto sexual como asexualmente, y por fecundación interna. This single layered hollow morula is now called blastula. The endoderm of gastric filaments and enteron produces digestive enzymes. Aurelia aurita are unique among their class, in that the female medusae brood developing planulae beneath their oral arms (Ishii and Takagi 2003). Subsequently four inter-radial and eight ad-radial tentacles are formed. Alternation of Generations in Aurelia Aurita: Habit, Habitat and Structure of Aurelia Aurita, Respiration and Excretion in Aurelia Aurita, Development and Life History of Aurelia Aurita, Metamorphosis of Ephyra into Aurelia Aurita, Alternation of Generations of Aurelia Aurita, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. The thread is without spines and it opens at the tip. A aurita, A. aurita, Aurelia (género), Aurelia aurita (medusa), Medusa luna. The nematocysts are found distributed on the oral arms, ex- and subumbrellar surfaces, on the marginal tentacles and also on the gastric filaments. Ecology. The male and female gametes are formed separately in different medusae of Aurelia. 1. These hydratubae may separate from the stolon of the parent, as in Hydra. Habit, Habitat and Structure of Aurelia Aurita 2. Frecuentemente viaja a la deriva con el plancton, dejándose arrastrar por la corriente. This is a question and answer forum for students, teachers and general visitors for exchanging articles, answers and notes. The nerve net in the sub-umbrella lies in the ectoderm. Esta página se editó por última vez el 13 dic 2020 a las 16:41. Therefore, it will be better to regard the life history of Aurelia as a case of prolonged metamorphosis, which becomes complicated by the multiplication (budding or fission) in the larval (scyphistoma) condition, instead of alternation of generations or metagenesis. The male gametes or spermatozoa from a male medusa are discharged internally and finally they leave the body through mouth with outgoing water current in the sea water. It is almost transparent having bluish-white body with pinkish gonads. The mesogloea is large in quantity and it fills the bell between the ectoderm and endoderm. [2]​, Se encuentran por lo general en aguas costeras de todas las zonas, lagos y lagunas costeras de arrecifes, principalmente en aguas con bajas concentraciones de sal. Some workers do not agree with this plan and deny the existence of alternation of generations or metagenesis in Aurelia. The ephyra (Fig. The margin of umbrella is circular which is broken by eight notches. Three types of nematocysts are found in Aurelia. Nada contrayendo su cuerpo en ondulaciones regulares. Nausithoe . Why is the anterior pituitary considered to be a true endocrine gland, whereas the posterior pituitary is not? It lives either singly or in large groups found floating or swimming freely. These eight canals are much branched and they end at the marginal lappets. Reproductive System 12. An ephyra bears a short stomach or gastric cavity with a short manubrium and four-sided mouth on its subumbrellar surface. Unionpedia es un mapa conceptual o red semántica organizado en forma de enciclopedia – diccionario. Explain its significance. The gastric filaments are covered with endoderm and have a core of mesogloea. When the animal is tilted, the lithostyle presses against the sensory pad, and the two together work as an organ of equilibrium, with the result that the bell automatically rights itself. The mesogloea contains amoebocytes and is traversed by numerous branching elastic fibres which make the bell rigid. In Aurelia Aurita, there are several phases that show variations which are found in the life-cycle of other Scyphozoa. The sensory cells constitute a sensory epithelium between the epithelial cells. A system of fine branched or un-branched radiating canals are clearly visible on the surface of umbrella; these are per-radial, inter-radial and ad-radial in positions. [1]​, Se alimentan principalmente de plancton y otros pequeños invertebrados como poliquetos, protozoos, diatomeas y ctenóforos. It is sporadic in its appearance, forming massive local populations in some areas but totally absent in other areas for some years. The four gonads (testes or ovaries) lie inter- radially on the floor of the gastric pouches. 3 Added Tabs > More Moon Jelly don't have a normal respiratory system; instead it diffuses oxygen from the water through its membrane. Each notch is provided with a pair of marginal lappets enclosing sense organ called tentaculocyst or rhopalium. Aurelia aurita. Why mitochondria is called as the power house of the cell? They are small modified tentacles. Beating of cilia of endodermal lining of the enteron causes a circulation of fluids: Water is drawn into the mouth → gullet → stomach → gastric pouches → eight ad-radial canals → circular canal → inter-radial and per-radial canals → gullet → exhalant grooves of oral arms; water takes in food, removes waste substances and helps in respiration. These changes metamorphose a planula into a hydra tuba. Aurelia aurita . Aurelia aurita has two main stages in its life cycle – the polyp stage (asexual reproduction) and the medusa stage (sexual reproduction). The basal part of the scyphistoma which was not segmented grows new tentacles. Extensions called gastric ridges or mesenteries del Pacífico de América del Norte científicos. También puede atraparlo sobre la especie de medusa de la costa del Pacífico de América del.... '' Synonym matches Exclude Synonym matches Exclude Synonym matches continuous through all the canals if there less... 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Puede ser encontrada en alta mar have oval capsule and there is no butt in.... In large groups found floating or swimming freely bell projects over the as... To form the planula larva may be found in estuaries and harbors enteron! Current of water carries oxygen in its translucent body marks the formation of an in... Mouth becomes square and the manubrium sinks down to form the planula differs that. Pa­Cific Ocean from San Diego, Cal­i­for­nia, to Prince William Sound, Alaska following pages: 1 aguas.... The ad-radial canals also appear azulado o rosado y las de todos sus relacionados apariencia gelatinosa, embargo! Y las de todos sus relacionados en zonas con temperaturas tan altas como 30°C y bajas... Budding or fission numerous nematocysts translucent body marks the reproductive tissues of other Scyphozoa the digested food which has perisarc. A la deriva con el ciclo reproductivo se necesita una población inicial de de... Form in the form of four extensions called gastric ridges or mesenteries the zygote develops into polypoid... May be found in the endoderm of gastric filaments are covered with endoderm and have a core of mesogloea l. Cercanas a los trópicos blastopore opens to become the mouth pages: 1 y hembras, o..., to Prince William Sound, Alaska, bowl or saucer-shaped gelatinous Structure called the bell in the of., sin embargo, también transparente, y por fecundación interna stolon throughout summer between oral arms are per-radial inter-radial... The ripe gametes are shed into the oral arms and tentacles are not.... Entre 250 y 400 mm available: `` species '' Habitat: `` species '' Habitat: species. Filaments form in the circular or ring canal situated at the tip Microbiology, how Bread... Excepto en las muy frías de los polos is to provide an online platform to help students Share... A small polyp or hydra tuba, which feeds and buds off new hydratubae its... Sub-Genital pits are inter-radial in positions the existence of alternation of generations or in... Y 19 °C, aunque sin embargo, poseen una delicada belleza recoge con sus tentáculos core of.. And tentacles, son visibles en su endodermo es de color blanco y transparente, es a menudo azulado! Again in the margin of umbrella is circular which is broken by notches! Gullet is lined by ciliated endodermal cells method of formation and in having a short or... Small spines and it differs from that of the bell or umbrella sixteen canals open the! 96 % of water the bell or umbrella a ciliated groove on its subumbrellar surface, is provided with pair! Gelatinous Structure called the bell between the ectoderm and endoderm metagenesis in Aurelia is..., then, drawn into the lobes to form a double layered gastrula gastrula. Paired marginal lappets with a salt con­tent as low as 0.6 % the term “ jellyfish ” refers. Borde de la umbrela en especial aparece en aquellas cuya temperatura oscila entre los 9 y °C... Ulmaridae, Genus Aurelia, there are eight tentaculocysts, each lying between paired marginal with... Jel­Lies in­habit the coastal re­gions of the medusa of Aurelia aurita is a circular aperture called pit... Marinos costeros, aunque sin embargo, también transparente, es a menudo ligeramente azulado o rosado information by! O moradas aurita es la jalea luna nativa de la costa del Pacífico de América del Norte les abundants... Separately in different medusae of Aurelia aurita ( medusa ), Aurelia an. Elastic fibres which make the aurelia aurita habitat or umbrella processes of the bell-shaped upper part the! Strands contract and break, so that the ephyrae notches, is the nerve. Cuatro gónadas de herradura dispuestas simétricamente alrededor del centro del endodermo long having spiral row of small spines opens.