Hello Team, On Youtube and Udemy i watch many videos with Laravel backend + Vue Frontend. In this lesson, we'll review Vue's two-way "sync" data-binding convention using a real-world example: the Laracasts codebase. In this episode, we'll use the common collection example to illustrate this workflow. Don't worry: I hate confusing jargon, too. Let's move on to our next practical component exercise. Rather than copying and pasting this logic from file to file, what else might be a possibility? Passport. 10 Lessons. With the basic structure in place, we can now move on to general page styling and tweaks. for days upon days, and still not see everything! Hi guys, I configured my laravel app as an spa using vuejs and vue router. Lord Voldemort Oct 27, 2018 0. Well, that's exactly what Laravel Mix does for you. This is a common feature in countless websites. And for the remaining 20%, well, they should have access to the underlying configuration file, so that they may tweak it to their project's exact needs. A superb inversion of control container, expressive migration system, and tightly integrated unit testing support give you the tools you need to build any application with which you are tasked. Don't worry: in the next episode, I'll show you some options to simplify new projects that use Webpack. So far, we've only reviewed default component slots. Laravel is accessible, powerful, and provides tools required for large, robust applications. Add the ability to attach an image when publishing a tweet. Browse Courses Discussion Forum Hours of Learning. Frameworks. Proudly hosted with Laravel Forge This is the repository for the "Laravel From Scratch" final project at Laracasts. Boost the skill level of yourself and your entire team by digging into our comprehensive video library. Make these dynamic for each user. You'll absolutely run into this before too long. Free Episode Run Time 5:27. If you'd like to jump on board, let me show you, step by step, exactly what you need to know. Each year, the Laracasts "Laravel From Scratch" series is refreshed to reflect the latest iteration of the framework. If you've ever needed to override the markup for a given slot within a parent, but don't have access to the relevant underlying data, template scoping is the solution. In fact, you could watch nonstop for days upon days, and still not see everything! I'm the creator of Laracasts and spend most of my days building the site and thinking of new ways to teach confusing concepts. I live in Orlando, Florida with my wife and two kids. Let's begin reviewing the process of creating an assortment of practical components for your own projects. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, queueing, and caching. Let's next discuss how to generate hashed API tokens that Laravel can validate against. Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. Laravel has the most extensive and thorough documentation and video tutorial library of all modern web application frameworks, making it a breeze to get started with the framework. We'll learn how to create an explicit link between an anchor tag and its associated menu, while allowing both pieces to live within the same Vue component and consume the same data. We can use the v-bind directive to bind a property in our model to any element attribute. Laracasts contains over 1500 video tutorials on a range of topics … In this episode, we'll review the basic concept, and then discuss when you might reach for the inline-template attribute to nest your template directly in your HTML file. The profile page banner image and description are hard-coded. Contribute to laracasts/Laravel-and-Vue development by creating an account on GitHub. 819 videos. Boost the skill level of yourself and your entire team by digging into our comprehensive video library. This way, Vue and Axios can easily fetch the data they require from our server. Laracasts is a fantastic resources for Laravel and Vue.js software engineers. Let's review one more example for when you might reach for a portal. Component Communication Example #1: Custom Events, Component Communication Example #2: Event Dispatcher, Single-Use Components and Inline Templates, The Difference Between Debounce and Throttle, instead use CSS to accomplish the same effect, Extract and Generalize: Infinite Scrolling Refactor, Conditional Visibility and Vue Transitions. Often, you'll find that a piece of data needs a bit of calculation, before it's rendered onto the page. I'm the creator of Laracasts and spend most of my days building the site and thinking of new ways to teach confusing concepts. We'll discuss the benefits of isolating all related behavior within a single file, as well as one technique for throttling the avatar mouseover event handler to an acceptable frequency. Begin. In such instances, Vue's computed properties are exactly what you require. Think of it like "Live Reload" for every single component in your application. If you don't feel like reading, Laracasts can help. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, queueing, and caching. Browser Testing and Automation. Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. Then, once we register the necessary route endpoint, we can return this data as JSON. Let's begin reviewing the options you have, when it comes to communication between Vue components. If you ever find yourself desperately trying to juggle state between parent and child components, ask yourself if there should instead be a single source of truth. Using Laravel as a backend, step-by-step, we'll pull in Vue and Vue Router to construct a practical and real-life single-page application. Scoped slots allows us to treat any given Vue component slot as a reusable template that you can pass data to. As you'll find, there are a few small gotchas that you'll want to be aware of. Let's continue with our Stream demo app, and review the process of adding new statuses to the stream. As with CSS, we may use Laravel Mix to easily compile JavaScript components into a single, browser-ready JavaScript file. Let's take a few moments to discuss structure and responsibility, as it relates to your Vue components. If you've ever noticed yourself writing the same exact code, over and over, for each form, then extracting a Form class may be exactly what you need. Instead, they substitute each option, hoping to achieve their desired end result. Recommended Additions. Vue provides an expressive API for building robust JavaScript applications using components. We'll tackle the implementation in two steps. Or, in other words, "take this bit of content, and insert it right there, as designated by the slot tags. Using Laravel as a backend, step-by-step, we'll pull in Vue and Vue Router to construct a Install Vue-Router in Laravel project Using a SPA architecture your application … How exactly might we implement such a feature, while considering reusability? and DigitalOcean. In this short … Then, we'll refactor toward a reusable component that can be applied anywhere. Let's discuss what this header means, and how we can fix it. ... [Laracasts] Testing Vue . As you'll find, doing so will allow us to expose a simple interface, while isolating all awareness of Flickity to a single file. Languages. From time to time, you may find that components of a certain type require special functionality. However, this counting should not begin until the element is within the user's viewport. If you notice that a segment of logic in your component might be useful and necessary elsewhere in your project, this is likely an indication that you should extract the relevant code into its own component, generalize the specifics, and then emit events to handle side effects on a case-by-case basis. I live in Orlando, Florida with my wife and two kids. That means we're ready to learn both Webpack and vue-cli. If you don't feel like reading, Laracasts can help. This tutorial also has a companion Laravue GitHub project that is designed as a starting point for working with Vue and Laravel. In this episode, we'll learn exactly what Vue's v-model does, and then review how to make it work on any custom component. We'll take a one-component-per-page approach to this website. As a workflow exercise, over the next few episodes, we'll review some essential topics related to building a full SPA with Vue 2. First, we'll get it to work in the simplest way possible. However, there's another way: render functions. Laracasts contains over 1500 video tutorials on a range of topics … There's no shortage of content at Laracasts. Once I have a new project created it’s time to tweak things a bit to make this a SPA. In this episode, we'll setup the excellent Ava test framework, and begin testing a basic Vue component from scratch. Learning Laravel. This is fairly common: scroll the page a bit - hiding the navigation bar in the process - and suddenly a new CTA button becomes visible. However, Vue filters are more appropriate for basic string manipulation operations like this. In this episode, come along as I create a testimonials component for the upcoming (at the time of this writing) Laracasts UI refresh. So far in this series, we've used templates to declare our desired HTML structures. Series. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laracasts was added by Heroselohim in Sep 2019 and the latest update was made in Sep 2019. As an aside, if you use Laravel, you'll be happy to know that the framework offers some facilities to make this whole process even simpler. In this series, come along as I build an "assets" website for Laracasts. Though you won't reach for them nearly as often, they nonetheless serve an important role. Most front-end developers never take the time to fully learn the difference between debounce and throttle. This is the 2017 edition, which … In this tutorial, he uses Laracasts, Workflow With Browserify and Elixir as a starting point and builds off it. You'll make heavy use of these, as you begin to harness all that Vue has to offer, so pay special attention to the next several episodes. Vue. Nine out of ten doctors recommend Laracasts over competing brands. Push your web development skills to the next level, through expert screencasts on Laravel, Vue, and so much more. Nine out of ten doctors recommend Laracasts over competing brands. Designed with by Tuds. Laravel, Vue and SPAs. Luckily, though, there's a simpler way with Vue. However, Laravel does include some basic scaffolding to make it easier to get started writing modern JavaScript using the Vue library. Due to security concerns, it's not always so easy to make a cross-origin AJAX request to fetch a particular set of data. In this episode, you'll learn how to use the v-for directive to filter through a list of items and render them on the page. Now that we have the basic functionality from the previous episode working, let's refactor the code into something far more reusable. A traditional modal box provides some key learning points. The list of alternatives was updated Oct 2020. Any third party platform will need to offer users some way to revoke and generate new API tokens. Wouldn't it be useful if we could optimize for the 80% of folks who simply want general ES2015 + module compilation, some CSS preprocessing, and possibly a few other common tasks? Ready for a workout? What happens if one Vue instance or component needs to be notified when a particular action takes place? With that in mind, you can make full-scaled applications with event-driven components. 48 series. Course Club Dec 28, 2018 0. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in most web projects. Let's install Vue Devtools sooner, rather than later. If you need a way to move a link within a Vue component file to a different part of the page, Vue portals to the rescue! View the source for this episode on GitHub. How might we broadcast such things? We'll also continue our review of reactivity, in the process. Let's begin reviewing shared state. Well, though we could create a mixin for this purpose, let's instead opt for a dedicated subclass. Why redirect to a new page and download all the necessary assets simply to fill out a form? Let's continue with our accordion component refactor. Instead, you'll often be met with the dreaded No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource response. View the source code for this episode on GitHub. Designed with by Tuds. To allow for this, we'll create a dedicated form component, pull in the Form and Errors classes from the Object-Oriented Forms episodes, and then update our Laravel backend code. In this lesson, come along as we construct a mega-menu from scratch. Hot module replacement is incredibly cool. I will warn you ahead of time: this can be a little confusing. © Laracasts 2020. In real life, we're often working with arrays, rather than strings. If so, $.ajax will do the trick. In this lesson, we'll review Axios: a clean and simple HTTP request API that you can be integrated into any project within seconds. Let's re-create the common tabs feature that you've seen on so many websites. Lessons. Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. What if the user visits a URI that doesn't exist? You've learned a bit about vue-loader already; however, for learning purposes, let's build up a Webpack configuration file from scratch, so that we can begin extracting and importing modules. Learning Laravel. Please feel free to fork it and learn from or expand however you wish. Maybe you're already using jQuery? First up, we should discuss client-side routing, and how that fits into Vue. Using Laravel as a backend, step-by-step, we'll pull in Vue and Vue Router to construct a practical and real-life single-page application. You'll get your first glimpse into the framework's wonderful, and automatic, reactivity. Let's review one more practical component exercise, before moving on to new topics. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. There's no shortage of content at Laracasts. We have been trusted for over 13 years by organisations such as The Bank of England, Mitsubishi Electric and Cancer Research to produce game changing applications through service design underpinned by a user centred approach and an astute knowledge of Laravel and Vue.js. Explore Frameworks. Let's begin focusing on structure, and how you'll build actual applications with Vue. In this episode, let's review a basic example of that very thing. Course Club Dec 28, 2018 0. If you want to slot a header section in one place, and a footer section in another, named slots are exactly what you need. In fact, you could watch nonstop for days upon days, and still not see everything! You may review the updated JavaScript on GitHub. This will allow us to use a data-driven approach to declaring the visibility of each item's associated body. Yes, all of them. Following that, we'll incrementally pull in all necessary npm dependencies and construct the base skeleton for our "assets" website. © Laracasts 2020. As of Laravel 5.8, we only need to visit the config/auth.php> file to enable hash-checking. Let's review a basic example of how you might do that. We'll review that soon. Or, in other words, how can one component notify another about a particular action or event that just took place? In the Modern CSS for Backend Developers, one of the lessons focused on constructing both the CSS and JavaScript for an accordion-like component. Search Your Favourite Course. Hi, I'm Jeffrey. This is the 2017 edition, which uses version 5.4 of the framework…. However, in the process, you'll also find that the useful v-model directive no longer works the way it usually does. We'll leverage the latest version of Laravel Mix, and make sure to initialize Vue 3 using the createApp method. Laravel, Vue and SPAs. Ready to binge? Imagine that your UX designer gives you instructions to only display a call-to-action button if a different button is not currently visible to the user. In this episode, we'll use a token-based approach as our "permission slip" for fetching user-specific data from the server. 14 series. Laravel is accessible, yet powerful, providing powerful tools needed for large, robust applications. In fact, you could watch nonstop When finished, we'll review how to apply "active link" styling to the currently selected page. Let's begin reviewing Vue components. You may review the completed webpack.config.js file from this lesson on Github, and can learn more about Webpack's concepts on their website. Basic Usage; Mix ships with support for both Vue 2 and Vue 3 single file components. In the previous episode, we defaulted to traditional event listeners and DOM traversal. A modal component is a perfect example of this. In this episode, we'll construct the main layout for our assets website. Come inside, see for yourself, and massively level up your development skills in the process. The next choice you have, to allow for communication between Vue components, is creating your own event dispatcher. Let's get started with part one of this two-part series. Laracasts [Laracasts] Let’s Build A Forum with Laravel and TDD . With its intuitive API, and the fact that it can be applied to any type of application, it's no wonder why folks have gravitated to it as much as they have. This way, you can have a single place to attach all custom sanitization, validation, and behavior. View the source code for this episode on GitHub. As you'll see, this gives us a portal into any Vue instance on the page. Review the external demo for this lesson here. It provides insight on things like requests, exceptions, database queries, and so much more. Laravel Telescope is an elegant debug assistant for Laravel. Or, maybe a general purpose library will do the trick? 1h 24m. Also, you can use these composable components anywhere in the app, even with Laravel’s Blade files. This will give us a number of interesting techniques to review. Sometimes, a single, view-specific component is exactly what the doctor ordered. Once you finished this lesson, it's over to you. Note: JavaScript is necessary to allow for this functionality across all browsers. That means you, Todd. View the extended source code for this lesson on GitHub. But just stick with me, and we'll iron out all the kinks as best as we can. Vue is easily one of the most exciting additions to the front-end world in many years. However, if you have the means, you might instead use CSS to accomplish the same effect much more easily. Especially in these early stages, you'll get a lot of use out of this Chrome extension. Over the years we have built a variety of web applications for customers using Laravel as our framework of choice and implemented Lean Agile development techniques to build professional applications that are functional and easy to use. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. All rights reserved. Specifically, we'll review a hidden child component that is begging to be extracted. In this episode, we'll wrap the popular Flickity carousel library into a dedicated Vue component. We haven't yet reviewed attribute binding in Vue. Basic Usage. If you're not in the mood to read, Laracasts contains over 900 video tutorials on a range of topics including Laravel, modern PHP, unit testing, JavaScript, and more. If you ever find yourself desperately trying to juggle state between parent and child components, ask yourself... Let's begin with a review of basic data binding in Vue. In the previous episode, we referenced a simple function to render a relative date for each stream. Laravel, Vue and SPAs, In this series, come along as I build an "assets" website for Laracasts. Not only can we create single components, but, of course, any component may further consist of child components. Let's take one more episode to refactor our code and address some community questions from the previous episode. Vehikl is a team of code-crushing Laravel experts. There's no shortage of content at Laracasts. Specifically, we'll update the Form class to return a Promise when submitted, we'll create a few AJAX helper methods, and, lastly, we'll refactor two methods to improve clarity. Yes, all of them. To help improve performance, any route can be lazily-loaded by embracing Vue's async components and webpack's code-splitting feature. 1 2 Next . Consider the fetch API (just don't forget to include a polyfill for older browsers). for days upon days, and still not see everything! Let's break it down and review exactly when and why you might consider lazy loading certain routes in your app. Don't worry: this is much easier than it sounds, due to the fact that every Vue instance already implements the necessary interface! Not good. This means, for each link in the sidebar, we need to create a companion Vue component. Not every component needs to be generic and reusable. This class can be responsible for resetting itself, submitting the AJAX request to our server, and more. All rights reserved. Ready to dig in? In this episode - though not directly related to Vue - we'll take some time to learn and review the differences between the two, as well as when you might reach for each. Download Tutorial Laravel From Scratch 2017 Each year, the Laracasts “Laravel From Scratch” series is refreshed to reflect the latest iteration of the framework. Russ Weas has created a tutorial on setting up a Laravel project with Vue.js. A single-page application still needs to fetch its data from somewhere. You'll surely come across instances in your own projects, where you'd like to wrap a form input within a custom component. Painless OAuth2 Implementation Hi, I'm Jeffrey. If you have multiple Vue instances or components that need access to the same data - and they also need to be in sync with one another - how exactly do we allow for that? In fact, you could watch nonstop Add to Watchlist. Subscribe to Blog via Email. Laravel-5-Generators-Extended This package extends the core file generators that are included with Laravel 5 PHP MIT 344 2,345 15 (3 issues need help) 11 Updated Sep 14, 2020 — Laracasts (@laracasts) September 18, 2020. For those using Typescript, this series also covers using TypeScript in Vue 3, which is substantially better than TypeScript support in Vue 2. Vue is a pure front-end framework. Because of it, the Laravel application gets the ability to change DOM without reloading the page. In … Laravel is accessible, powerful, and provides tools required for large, robust applications. laracasts/Users-and-Roles-in-Laravel laracasts/matryoshka laracasts/Laravel-and-Angular-Goodness laracasts/Laravel-5-Generators-Extended laracasts/Integrated laracasts/Validation laracasts/Vue-Forms Other projects in JavaScript How might you expand these two classes two simplify your form interaction even further? You may view the source for this episode on GitHub. In this lesson, we'll create two components: Accordion and AccordionItem. There's no shortage of content at Laracasts. In this video, I'll quickly demonstrate how it works. Instead, we'll add a layer on top of the main page, and submit an Ajax request with the user's question. and DigitalOcean. This will give you a solid review of the fundamentals, while also providing an opportunity to review just how powerful (yet initially confusing) all this stuff can be. As always, we'll start entirely from scratch, and build up our project. To streamline this process, I'll pull in Tailwind and add it to my Laravel Mix build. One issue, with any build tool, is that for each new project, you have to reproduce the entire setup again and again. Using Laravel as a backend, step-by-step, we'll pull in Vue and Vue Router to construct a practical and real-life single-page application. Ready? That means you, Todd. The most concise screencasts for the working developer, updated daily. courses development laravel laravel-development online-course php php-development programming programming-courses vue. Now that we have our validation error handling in place, we can move on to extracting a dedicated Form class. Yes, it will automatically refresh the page each time you change a component; however, what's particularly neat is that the state for all components will remain unchanged. But what about when we require more control? Proudly hosted with Laravel Forge Instead, you have the entire spectrum of the JavaScript community to pull from. If you're not in the mood to read, Laracasts contains over 900 video tutorials on a range of topics including Laravel, modern PHP, unit testing, JavaScript, and more. Laravel has the most extensive and thorough documentation and video tutorial library of all modern web application frameworks, making it a breeze to get started with the framework. Support may be activated via the mix.vue() command, like so: mix.js('src/app.js', 'dist').vue(); Think of this as a way to request general JavaScript bundling, but also support and awareness of Vue … There's no shortage of content at Laracasts. This is a key concept to understand, so make sure that you pay attention over the next few minutes. Let's review another real-life example. Vue Mastery also has a free Intro to Vue 3 course, along with a focused Vue 3 Composition API series. In this series, come along as I build an "assets" website for Laracasts. View the source code for this example on GitHub. View the demo for this lesson on GitHub. Vue doesn't provide any specific AJAX functionality out of the box. Come inside, see for yourself, and massively level up your development skills in the process. Get started, and then let us know what you came up with in the comments. Let's review some techniques that we might implement to DRY up our form interactions. Let's review the v-on directive for registering event listeners. Now that you've learned how to make cross-origin AJAX requests, let's move on to the next step: API authentication. It's the best way to learn Vue! The completed source code for this lesson is available on GitHub. In this episode, we'll review the Vue-specific code we wrote in that lesson, and review how we can make it more agnostic and reusable. In this episode, we'll learn how to fix an HTML element to the top of the page, based upon the current scroll position. In this episode, we'll construct a standard tooltip using three techniques: data attributes, Vue directives, and dedicated Vue components. In this episode, we'll work together on the Laracasts codebase, as I create a pop-up modal for the "Contact Support" link. In real life, we're often working with arrays, rather than strings. We need to construct a Vue component that counts from 0 to a given number very quickly. In particular, we're going to learn how to communicate between components. In this series, come along as I build an "assets" website for Laracasts. It is becoming popular. hello guys i want to use laravel route in vue how i can achieve this help!!! In this episode, we'll work with Laravel a bit to build up a Status model, and its associated data. [Laracasts] What’s New in Laravel 5.2 . In this lesson we'll review the basics. Lists. 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