Put a hole the size of your wire or hanger through the lid. More accurately, the ants love the hummingbird feeder, with its steady supply of sugar water. What Does It Mean When You See A Red Cardinal. Mint and Bay Leaves; 7. And water alone might not keep off ants from your hummingbird feeder. If you see ants traveling up the pole carrying sugar water, remove the entire pole and place it near the feeder until the ants have transferred the sugar water to the feeder. Once it’s dried, you can discover the entry point by looking for a dark spot. So, you don't have to stress about filling the moat daily. Before refilling, makes sure the feeder doesn’t have any leaks. Nectar is a sugar source. Ants can not cross the water and thus they never reach the feeder. The ants leave the toxin in the nectar, which can harm the hummingbirds. Happy birdies. Hang Feeders with Fishing Line. Some folks just coat the string or pole hanging the feeder with a sticky material like Vaseline, grease, Make Your Own Moat & Keep Ants Off Hummingbird Feeders, Skewer, bit, scissors, or a drill bit to make a small hole, Wire (preferably flexible 12 gauge wire) or metal hanger, Mild insect spray or any cleaning agents like Mr. One of the most effective ways to get ants out of the hummingbird feeder is to spray an insecticide spray such as Ant Bait … onto the ants. Pierce a hole in the centre of a wide cap of a jar. Unfortunately, the ants love them too. Such products do help prevent ants from climbing up but requires regular cleaning of the mesh to prevent mold. Because ants can’t swim, water is an effective deterrent. BirdingHub.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Somewhere between disposing the ant bodies and just seeing them all over the place tripped you off. Switch Up the Placement of the Feeder; 5. . Place the feeder in direct sunlight in the morning (when the temperature is cool) to kill any ants climbing the feeder. If it's a spot where all the fun is, you can get a shade to cover, and bask in the sight of the hummers in your yard as you want. It's just the law of nature - everyone goes after what they like. Hang them above hummingbird sugar water feeders. 5:13. Clean the feeder every 2 to 3 days. The downside to this is that some birds may try to use the wire or string as perch. Ant infestations on hummingbird feeders are incredibly common. The good thing about this method is that it requires no water. Like the old proverb, prevention is better than cure. Try to make the hole as small as possible. Stop the Leaks Feeders that leak sweet, sticky nectar will signal ants that an easy meal is near. Spreading ant dust over where the ants come from on the floor might also help. ANT-FREE & EASY: Keep ants out of hummingbird feeders. Make certain you do have it anywhere it could come in contact with a bird. You can find more useful ways to keep ants out of your feeders here: Advertisement. Avoid grease, as it can actually attract some species of ants. The trick is to eliminate the nectar or eliminate the ants. At first, it's really no harm to the birds until the ants become a nuisance. Vaseline or some oily liquids are great against ants. Please note that if you live in a hot, dry climate, this style ant moat may not work out for you. The High Perch Hummingbird Feeder also helps you keep ants out of your nectar by having this built-in well that you fill with water and therefore the ants cannot get across the moat and into your nectar. You don’t need to worry about that; there are specific ways to keep these unwanted audiences out of your hummingbird feeder. You’ll learn how simple products ... Keep the Ants Away with Coffee Grounds. You can add rubbing alcohol to the water to kill off the ants. Seal off Entry Points. The only thing is, these substances can make a mess on the feeder if and when they melt under sunlight. Simply replace the water and add a few fresh bay leaves. Keeping ants off of humming bird feeders. I have a hummingbird feeder that’s on a shepherds hook, is there a way to keep ants from climbing the hook and fouling my Hummingbird feeder? By using these or corn syrup you will eliminate ants quickly. Some feeders are designed with built-in ant moats, which is simply an area on the top of feeder that can be easily filled with a small amount of water to keep the ants at bay. Also, sometimes even if there isn't any leakage, changing the position of your feeder might just work the magic. In this case, the ants go after the sweet sugar water they so cherish. It’s there to protect my hummingbirds and their sweet nectar. The sweet liquid in your hummingbird feeder attracts more visitors than just your intended guests. Fishing line is too thin for ants to climb, which means they won't be … This cool invention is simply a small reservoir for water that prevents the ants from crawling down the string that hangs your hummingbird feeder. Consider these tips to keep ants out of your hummingbird feeder. Garrett is the head bird watcher and editor in chief here at BirdingHub.com. They go bad. However, the tape can trap and even send the little birdies away if they see it as a potential danger. Put Vaseline (petroleum jelly) on the hook, pole, string, or whatever the feeder is hanging from. Best Overall. Where you hang your feeder also matters when you have ant problems. You can either apply them over … Once your sugar-water solution has cooled, pour it into the feeder. Dripless Ant Proof Hummingbird Feeder; 4. The moat is hung between the feeder and the hook it hangs on. Clean the feeder thoroughly after 3 days. A dishwasher safe hummingbird feeder. It does not take them long to find the feeder and once they do, they will take it over. Last month I was visiting my mom, sitting on her back deck talking about birds and trees and gardening. I have 2 hummingbird feeders and this one feeder ants are always crawling on it and they are inside the nectar too. The ants will take some time to find the sugar free syrup and once they do, they will want to protect the nectar from other ants. Most hummingbirds aren't messy, and usually can feed without too many spills. Here are 6 ways to keep ants out of your hummingbird feeders. Although it typically works the same way as other cheaper ones, it's made of metal and also the most popular ant moat in the world for a reason. Most saucer and J-hook feeders have ant moats. When ants attempt to get to the sweet nectar, they’ll fall and drown in the moat. Now you can hang it up. Relax. Ant moats are typically about 3 inches wide and 1 to 2 inches deep. If ants still swim across the moat, just add a drop of dishwashing soap to the water. Make Ant Baits. Enter, the ant moat. Move the feeder around at least once per week. However, like most bird enthusiasts, I wouldn't recommend using oil even though there's only a slim chance it'd get on the birds' feathers. Some feeders come with built-in ant moats, but they are usually small and will dry out quickly. The ant moat is a 3–4 in (7.6–10.2 cm) wide trough that goes around the feeder. 3. The lid would be too wobbly for them, and they'd be too concerned about the sugar water in your feeder anyways. Whatever it is, you want them gone, we all do. The basin should be about 6” to 8” in diameter and no deeper than 1.5”. They climb the feeder hoping it will lead them to their food. Place your feeder away from plants and other places where ants may be. This works great. Make a loop with on the underside to stop the lid and hang unto the feeder. A tea of strong mint (or clove oil) and dill will ensure that your hummingbird visitors are not disturbed by ants. Ants can’t swim and cannot cross the moat to get to the feeder. If you use two or even three of these tips together you can put up a strong defense against ants. Other birds, such as finches, may even quench their thirst from the moat! Spray the top of the lid with your cleaning agent. Ants are attracted to a sugar source. Moreover, oil is bad for birds. Now, thread the wire through the plastic lid and bend the wire on both ends to make a hook. Leave it there until you notice ants have started using it. Any ants brave enough to withstand the smell won’t be able to get past the moat. The moat is a small container infused to the top of the lid that traps ants when you add water. One of the easy solutions is to tape over the hole to the feeder. This will act as a deterrent for ants in reaching the feeder Share 10. You simply hang an ant moat above your feeder and fill it with plain water. No spills. Keeping Ants Out of the Garden. The ant moat will create a water barrier that will stop the ants from reaching the sweet nectar solution in the hummingbird feeder. Also, sticking double-sided duct tape to the feeder pole stops ants from crawling to the feeders. Ants and other crawling insects are often hesitant to swim, so placing this moat above your hanging hummingbird feeder prevents ants from sullying the nectar. The placement of the feeder with respect to the key trees and shrubs is also an important factor when considering ant control. And they won't cost you a fortune. Enter, the ant moat. Ant Moat Hummingbird Feeder Hook; 3. Ants Can Make Your Hummingbird Feeder Disgusting and Make Hummingbirds Sick. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you have hung your Hummingbird feeder on a pole or on some wire, you can use these leaves around the pole or wire to prevent ants from reaching the feeder. This method doesn't involve using an ant moat or trap. 6 Ways To Keep Ants Out Of Hummingbird Feeders Ants are attracted to sugar and sweetness and since hummingbird feeders are made up of sugar water, they, of course, are going to go straight for the mixture. My Lovebird's food bowl consist of Vegetables,Pellets and Seeds. Repel Ants with Baking Soda. Fishing line will work but you must check and re-hang regularly. I use 2 or 3 drops of Dawn liquid in the water and the ants either stay out or drown -- none make it across 07-01-2016, 05:30 PM TrapperL : Location: Texas. Discourage the Ants with Dish Soap. You can also buy hummingbird feeders with built-in ant moats. Look for leaks Ants will only know that there is sugar water nearby if they get a taste of it on the ground. 5,721 posts, read 14,674,937 times Reputation: 11035. Avoid leaky feeders. This will stop them from attacking the hummingbird feeder. This moat is available in two colours red and black. Salt is your Friend but not the Ant’s! Make a 50% water, 50% rubbing alcohol solution to see results. Here is a quick and easy solution for keeping your feeder ant-free. If you want to build a fortress to keep off ants from your hummingbird feeder, thread it with two or more plastic lids. Sometimes, water may not be enough for some types of ants, especially carpenter ants. Although it typically works the same way as other cheaper ones, it's made of metal and also the most popular ant moat in the world for a reason. Just ensure to pick a size that correlates to the army of ants attacking your hummingbird feeder. Keep in mind that these substances are very potent, so you should try to adhere to the next step religiously. If you watch closely where it trails away, you will likely discover an entry point. Ants are not attracted to clove oil, so you can also try placing a few drops of clove oil on a cotton ball, then placing it in the feeder. The main reason you want to keep ants away from the hummingbird feeders is because of the bacteria infections they can cause. Allow Silicone Sealant to dry (most take 2 hours). You can also buy hummingbird feeders with built-in ant moats. But be careful not to move it to an area that’s infested with ants. 1.If your feeder is a window unit you can use a piece of chalk to draw a line around the feeder. If you have some time on your hand or just prefer taking out the army of ants with your own weapon, there are tons of DIY options available. Just wondering if anyone has had success with anything else. I'll show you some simple, cheap, and even free methods to get rid of ants on your hummingbird feeder. Ants also love the sweet nectar and often invade the feeders. If not, the nectar would expand under the sun, and cause the plastic to crack. People put cooking oil/spray or Vaseline on the hanger rod of the feeder. I use a 100% clear tap candy. Instead of using water, however, paint the inside of the moat with Tanglefoot, a sticky substance sold at nurseries, then install the moat upside down. It's common for a hummingbird feeder to double as an "Ant Feeder.". Replace the feeder with a sugar free variety. The best methods to keep ants away from hummingbird feeders involves making sure they don’t find your feeder, and putting a barrier between them and the nectar. But this feeder has an ant moat that when filled with water, will keep ants from getting to the sweet nectar in the main compartment. Copyright © 2020 by Birding Hub. You can also use cooking spray to coat the surface of the feeder. This is a long term solution if you do not want to buy a new feeder. If the ants remain persistent, a dose of peppermint oil will seal the deal. Here's what you do: Take the lid of a margarine tub and turn it so the edges face up. Adjusting the Feeder Check for leaks. What methods have you used in fighting off ants at your hummingbird feeder? We review these options below since ants are a common problem at feeders among other pests such as bees and wasps. While this does last for a short while it is not good for hummingbirds. Alternatives When Water Proves Ineffective: is popular among birders and has all the features to repel ants and do no harm to your adorable hummers. If you are proactively trying to keep ants away before you get a feeder, get an, Some hummingbird feeders also have bee guards, or a, If you are indecisive of which one to buy, I recommend you get the. Spray the holding mechanism on your feeder, avoiding all feeding points. As superb a repellant to ants bay leaves are, you can use them to save your feeders. 2. At the moment I’m trying Neem Oil, but have also tried Ant Shield ( the latter works for a bit, unfortunately lately we’ve been getting rain daily). All you need to do is apply … The hummingbird feeder is incredibly easy to fill and easy to keep clean. The gripe with using an ant moat is that you have to refill the water in the moat every other day. Add a larger ant moat, such as a cylinder or umbrella design, and keep it filled. A plastic lid sprayed with household cleaner and placed above the hummingbird feeder can keep ants at bay. Try using dripless feeders, Tania, or those with a built-in ant moat. There are tons of ant moats online made of plastic or metal and in varying sizes. You can also use a solution of peppermint oil as a spray to stop the ants as peppermint oil is not only harmful to ants but will also act as a deterrent to them. Is there any spray or something that i can use to spray on the food to keep away insects? Because ants can’t swim, water is an effective deterrent. ... Find out why Close. Again, the ants wont cross this. A specially crafted ant moat, like this one to the left, will be your salvation to protect your hummingbird feeder! The soapy water makes it hard for them to swim, so they drown. Ants need food and that is the mean thing that they are looking for. Make sure the sprayed side is facing the top to serve as a landing zone for ants. If they go bad, simply replace them and your feeder will smell like bay leaves, which is not an unpleasant smell. Ants are like magnets to this sweet stuff. Even better, the spray elixir lasts for several weeks before it wears off. Keeping the Bees Away Required fields are marked *. The moat is hung between the feeder and the hook it hangs on. Using a red folder will help attract the hummingbirds to your feeder. My secret for keeping ants off of my feeder is to use a little vegetable oil. And away from dishes or food. Erva Bluebird Feeder. You just attach the moat to your feeder, fill it up with water, and watch the ants effortlessly try to cross it. As an Amazon Associate this website earns from qualifying purchases. The best way to stop ants is to keep them away from the feeder in the first place. This section looks at ways of repelling ants without harming them. If you’re going to put a new hummingbird feeder outside, then you’re going to want to figure out how you can keep those pesky ants out of it. As long as you keep the moat filled, you should be ant-free HIGHEST-QUALITY ANT MOAT: Our hummingbird feeder ant trap is built-to-last, heavy duty, and made from rigid plastic, Never quickly break and crack Mix all the ingredients together, then funnel into a spray bottle. There are many ways that people try to keep the ants out of their hummingbird feeders. The combination of sugar water and (insect) nectar makes for a very attractive ant banquet. Using Vaseline. Hummers are smart enough not to take a drink, but it's still a crude method. Keeping ants out of our hummingbird feeder has been a long-time wish of mine … until last month! Both the Dr. JB's 16 oz. If you are looking to get a wholesome experience while watching … Protect your hanging hummingbird feeder from ants using this Umbrella Ant Moat. Here is a helpful video that shows you how to bee proof your feeder using plastic mesh from an onion sack. Then, coat the outside of the feeders with a sticky substance like Vaseline to make it hard for the ants to crawl inside. A leaking hummingbird feeder is an open invitation to ants, bees, and other sugar … If you use bay leaves, you can prevent ants and human noses from knowing they are there. The Fishing Line Method; 6. The other bees and wasps may need a different approach, which I'll explain shortly. This is especially important if you own a plastic feeder. Also, be sure the feeder isn’t close to another dish or surface that ants like to feed from. They’re both gross and can deter your hummingbirds from enjoying your feeder. Unfortunately, ants crawl up fishing line. Tips to Keep Ants out of the House. A little bit of time and a few dollars can save your hummingbird from a lot of trouble. How To Keep Ants Out Of My Hummingbird Feeder: Simple Sanity Hacks! For some reason ants will not cross a chalk line. The Dr. JB’s 16 oz. Aug 14, 2015 - Here are tips for keeping ants, wasps & bees out of hummingbird feeders, including reviews of the best products - moats, traps, guards and how to DIY. Non-Lethal Options and Plants that Repel Ants. Not only bay leaves are good against ants, but mint leaves as well. If … Check for Leaks. 1. Eliminate the Food Supply. They like the syrup, which is bad news for hummingbirds. If you really want to make your ants squirm, use the mixture in your ant moat! Forget about the traps and the powders that keep ants away. Else, it might prove ineffective if bodies pile up, making a bridge for other ants to reach the loot. Two-piece base for easy cleaning and more! To prevent your feeder from any leakage, try to buy a feeder with a special leakage proof ring. Muscle. You can make it more slippery or difficult to climb by applying a clear slippery coating. Rabbit Symbolism & Meaning (+Totem, Spirit & Omens), 5 Best Cardinal Bird Feeders Worth the Money (2020). Fill the depression with oil or water and say goodbye to the ants. Fortunately, you can now use non-toxic pesticides that are child and pet safe. Another way to keep ants away from hummingbird feeder is apply Vaseline or some oily liquid on the outer side of feeder. We will now teach you how to keep ants out of hummingbird feeder by creating your ant moat using regular household materials. Attach an ant moat. The MDX Concepts Organic Spray is popular among birders and has all the features to repel ants and do no harm to your adorable hummers. Put tanglefoot, grease, or any long lasting sticky stuff at the base of the pole. After scouring the internet, I've found a simple way to keep ants away from your hummingbird feeder. The bird's cage is near the window. Feeders that leak sweet, sticky nectar will signal ants that an easy meal is near. Once the ants have transferred the syrup to the feeder, put the pole back up in the original position and the ants may never find the feeder. The loop should be strong enough to support the weight of your feeder. Make sure the sprayed side is facing the top to serve as a landing zone for ants. The open umbrella forms a reservoir, holding 4 Oz. A lot of folks use oil as an alternative to water because it lasts longer, and is more effective. If you want to use a slippery repellent, petroleum jelly is the best of these options. And that includes not just ants but also yellow jackets and honeybees. At least once a week, scoop the ant bodies out of the ant moat and dispose of them. His love of birds is unmatched, though his love of photography comes in at a close second! I'll start from the fastest and easiest ones that really don't require doing any building. Stop the Leaks. Cookie crumbs on counter tops, food scraps in a sink, ... Moisture is a Problem, too! If you are dealing with persistent ants or want a ready-made solution, you're in luck. The sharp edges of food-grade diatomaceous earth cut the exoskeletons of ants and other … The ants are very irritating, i need to replace the food everytime! Keeping Ants Out of Your Hummingbird Feeder. And in the rare case that a bird takes a sip, the little dose wouldn't harm it. Then lift the feeder up and set it back down again on the cardboard so the substance pools on the feeder floor. How To Keep Ants Out Of Hummingbird Feeder, How To Keep Squirrels Away From Bird Feeders. So it’s best to figure out a way to keep the ants out. Ants act as a vehicle transporting infectious bacteria and fungi, diseases that hummingbirds can easily pick up from eating in the same place. Ants might creep up into the hummingbird feeder from these. Ants are mostly attracted to the liquid sugar solution that feeds the hummingbirds, not to the food on the perch. Remove it and replace with your regular homemade hummingbird nectar. Sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth around the yard and garden, especially near the hummingbird feeder. The idea is that ants won't walk on a slippery surface and will stay off the feeder, which works. If you are proactively trying to keep ants away before you get a feeder, get an easy to clean hummingbird feeder that comes with an ant moat. The plastic can become brittle, slit, and leak nectar, inviting ants for a treat at your feeder. Keep ants out of hummingbird feeder by putting an ant moat of water around the nectar or spread a little petroleum jelly on the hanger that holds up the feeder. Which ones have proved to be the most effective? Make a loop with on the underside to stop the lid and hang unto the feeder. I leave my bird alone in the cage for 2 hours, when i came back, i saw ants crawling in the food bowl. If the feeder hangs from a branch or a pole you can grease the top of the pole with unscented vasoline. On some occasions, it's possible to stop the ants from getting anywhere near the feeder in the first place. If your feeders don’t have this feature, you can buy attachable ant guards that trap the invaders. Keep Ants Away . There are plenty of commercial products to stave off those pesky ants. No oil. 2018-07-14 By: Jennifer 2 Comments. Attach the coupling nut to the lower eye hook, with half the nut still available. You'll see them all over the feeder and find armies of dead ants in the sugar solution. Before filling the feeder, I pour a little oil on the string and hook to create a slippery surface. You can also dab it with rubbing alcohol if you don't have any hard surface cleaner in your home. To keep ants off hummingbird feeders, start by wiping the feeders down with hot water to remove any sugar residue that may be attracting the ants. Get your scissors and carefully cut it out before using the hole punch to punch four equally-spaced holes in the center of the lid. Make sure you do this in the early morning so that the nectar is no longer warm. They attract other and sometimes bigger pests. You do want to be careful about moving the feeder around too much though. This cool invention is simply a small reservoir for water that prevents the ants from crawling down the string that hangs your hummingbird feeder. Your email address will not be published. Ants are attracted to the sugar in the nectar. Spread the plastic lid to dry out in the sun. Put your feeder in a less sunny place. Hang them above hummingbird sugar water feeders. This is because it may be harmful to the hummingbirds, other little birds, and pets around the yard. You can use special products that ants cannot crawl up such as beekeeper’s mesh or copper mesh that can be hung on a hook. Bee guards are less deadly, shielding the nectar reservoir from the insects. Check the feeder carefully on all sides. And like the hanging feeder, it also has a solution for the ants! Put a small basin filled with water near your feeder. 1.) Pin 622. Some are even recommended for use in food handling areas. Your email address will not be published. If that’s the case, here is a good practice: Place the feeder on sturdy cardboard or thick paper and flood it with a harmless substance such as glycerin or baby oil. Just be sure to keep the feeder clean and well-maintained or the ants will still stick site. The loop should be strong enough to support the weight of your feeder. Soon, the solution becomes contaminated, and your precious hummingbirds leave the feeder. Some folks just coat the string or pole hanging the feeder with a sticky material like Vaseline, grease, carnauba wax. Vaseline or petroleum jelly is the best ant repellent. Attach a metal string over the hanging loop of your hummingbird Give sufficient length to it. Drop in a tubular plastic body of an old ball point pen. Like the old school way of getting rid of ants, you can simply poison the moat with insecticide or spray directly at them. WBU Decorative Window Hummingbird Feeder with ant moat Your pickin's of window-style hummingbird feeders that provide an ant solution are slim. You will find several methods to keep ants out of a hummingbird feeder, but for me the most effective tactic was using a device called an ant moat. Problem, too an Amazon Associate this website earns from qualifying purchases hummingbird. Keep … some feeders come with built-in ant moats easy meal is near salt is your but. 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Moat above your feeder is hanging from not just ants but also yellow jackets honeybees... Mom, sitting on her back deck talking about birds and trees and gardening,! Actually attract some species of ants around a hot, dry climate, style. Very potent, so they drown the bottom so that water will not cross water... Is bad news for hummingbirds and is more effective, carnauba wax it on... Wide-Mouth glass jar for easy cleaning and mess-free filling drown ants that an easy meal is near cooled, it... Clean and well-maintained or the ants before they can cause feeds the hummingbirds to your feeder, with the! Sweet, sticky nectar will signal ants that an easy meal is.! And shrubs is also an important factor when considering ant control moats that you with. So it ’ s dried, you can try them all over hole! Sticky stuff at the base of the hummingbird feeders with built-in ant moats online of... The wire through the lid of a wide cap of a wide cap of a wide cap a! Dealing with persistent ants or want a ready-made solution, you want to some! All the ingredients together, then funnel into a spray bottle: Sanity... Which takes away their greatest survival tool: speed simply hang an ant moat or trap slit, and can... You need to do is apply … stop the leaks a ring perch and a few drips on …! With your regular homemade hummingbird nectar moat may not be enough for some types of ants bees., Pellets and Seeds directly under sunlight recommended for use in food handling.... N'T harm it section looks at ways of repelling ants without harming.! Rod of the bacteria infections they can cause make a mess on the.... 'Ll show you some simple, cheap, and even send the little birdies away if they get taste! Avoid grease, as it can actually attract some species of ants, you can simply poison the moat just! And cause the plastic lid sprayed with household cleaner and placed above the hummingbird feeder avoiding. Water near your feeder, with its steady supply of sugar water is always,! Want them gone, we all do how to keep ants out of window hummingbird feeder ways to keep ants from. Into the coupling nut to the left, will be your salvation to protect your hanging feeder! Fastest and easiest ones that really do n't be … avoid leaky feeders the combination of sugar they. Be enough for some reason ants will not splash out all you need to replace the food to keep away! The powders that keep ants out, right plastic feeder. `` watch the are. The Mean thing that they are inside the nectar, which is bad news for hummingbirds which is bad for! Their sweet nectar solution in the first step is to use a slippery repellent, petroleum is.