The doctors …………………… (has) been …………………… (attend) to the patients when they heard noises outside. We …………………… (eat) chocolates as a dessert in the party. Future Perfect Tense: The Future Continuous Tense is used to express an event that is expected to take place in the normal course or at some time in the future. Use the Future Progressive tense. Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. Rowdy students …………………… (break) the furniture of the school last week. (steal) the money by the time the police arrives. We ………………………. He ……………………. CONTINUOUS TENSE They will be singing songs. The teacher …………………… (give) a prize to the topper. Future continuous exercises. My uncle ………………………….. (cover) the distance to Nainital before we reach there. The phone …………………… (ring) when the watchman was sleeping. Wh-family ÷ had + subject + been + ¡st form of the verb + ing + object + since/for + time? Why …………………… (be) you …………………… (jump) on the road? stream
4 0 obj
This year Janamashtami falls on a Sunday. Choose the correct one. Log in, Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions 2018. She will arrive before too long. Subject + had + 3rd form of the verb + object. The Principal …………………… (give away) prizes when the dance troupe came. Subject + will/shall 4r,not + be + 1st form of the verb + ing + object. (soon compete) with the superpowers. The laborers…………………… (has) been …………………… (dig) the site when the wall came off. Sheela ……………………….. (practice) badminton for three hours. Verbs: future tenses in English. will/shall + subject + 1st form of the verb + object + ? Answers The train will be coming till 7 oâclock. Subject + will/shall + be 4- 1st form of the verb + ing + object . Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses B. Tomorrow, at this time we ………………………….. (drive) to Haridwar for three hours. REVISION PAST TENSES PRACTICE ANSWERS.pd. Future Perfect Continuous: action before another action + duration 5. A massive fire …………………… (break) out in the building yesterday. Parents …………………… (attend) the counseling session when the electricity went off. Be going to - exercises Will - future simple Will or be going to Future continuous Future perfect - exercises Future perfect continuous Home. Seema …………………… (cook) when the guests entered. (decide) to leave by tomorrow morning. (Future Continuous) By Really Learn English Visit the Future Progressive (Continuous) Section for More Resources ... Future Progressive Story 1 â Exercises A. The court ……………………….. (send) the summons for three weeks. By ignoring the traffic signal, they (break) the law. (go) to Manali before the summer approached. Parents …………………… (worry) about their sick son all day. She …………………… (watch) a movie on television in her bedroom. I ……………………. If the operation lasts till this evening, it will have been proven impossible to cure her. (reach) the station by the time we reach. 2. They _____ for us near the railway crossing. The minister …………………….. (has) already …………………….. (deliver) his speech. Future continuous exercise 2 Complete sentences with the verbs in the box.. Key with answers 2. (enter) the room, the music started. My mother ………………………. The children ……………………. for + time, Subject + had not been + ¡St form of the verb + ing + object + since! Where will Brad be fishing this weekend? Is/Am/Are + subject + 1st form of the verb + ing + object + ? My mother ………………………….. (prepare) for a party next week this time. (buy) the lottery ticket in the evening. Tenses: present tense, past tense and future time refer to the time of action and tell the time and state of an action. (have) you ………………………. (introduce) the guests at the function. Continuous Tense Exercise For Class 8 CBSE With Answers PDF Statements The sun ………………………….. (set) by the time we finish our work. Future Continuous Tense Exercises for Class 4 CBSE with Answers PDF. Future: worksheets, handouts, printable exercises pdf. Wh-family + will/shall + subject + have + 3rd form of the verb + object + ? The bikers ……………………….. (race) since the afternoon. Has/have + subject + 3rd form of the verb + object +? Wh-family + will/shall + subject + have been + ¡st form of the verb + ing + object +? Sheela’s younger brother …………………… (finish) his homework in the morning. (receive) your books through courier. (leave) for his foreign assignment in a day or two. (has) you ………………………. The bus driver ………………………. We …………………… (go) to a restaurant for dinner. I/We/You/They + 1st form of the verb + object. Sheetal ………………….. (come) here every Sunday. The car driver …………………… (speed) for quite some time. Practice with these Future Progressive exercises: Future Progressive Exercise 01. endobj
Future Progressive Exercise 02. The robbers …………………….. (murder) three persons. Future Continuous Exercise 1. Gopal ……………………. My brother …………………….. (not see) the Red Fort yet. Future perfect continuous exercises and answers. I …………………….. (think) of inviting all my friends. Each question has three options. (not catch) the thief earlier? (disappear) when there was a party yesterday? She is vomiting. Human Eye and Colourful World Class 10 Extra Questions with Answers Science Chapter 11, Download Social Science Notes PDF for CBSE Class 6 to Class 10 Quick Revision, Science Notes | Quick Revision Notes for CBSE Class 6 to Class 10 Science – Free PDF Download, Download CBSE Maths Notes for 6 to 12 Classes | NCERT Maths Quick Revision Notes for Class 6 to 12 Free PDF, MCQ Questions for Class 11 Economics with Answers Chapter Wise PDF Download, Download All Chapters Social Science NCERT Solutions Pdf for Class 6 to Class 10, Science NCERT Solutions Class 6 to Class 10 Chapterwise Free PDF Download, Downlaod Free NCERT Solutions for Class 6 to Class 12 Maths | NCERT Maths Textbook Solutions PDF, Free Class 11 & Class 12 Chapterwise Physics NCERT Solutions PDF Download, Chapter Wise NCERT Chemistry Solutions for Class 12 and Class 11, Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions. In the coming years, doctors ……………………. (address) a group of parents on Saturday. The principal ……………………. He went to school by bus but now he walks. (drive) all the way to Kanpur. We …………………….. (be) already …………………….. (see) the movie. Wh-family + had + subject + 3rd form of the verb + object + ? When ……………………. Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets. Documento Microsoft Word 92.5 KB. This statue ……………………….. (lying) here for ages. endobj
I ………………………….. (do) the shopping for almost the entire day. (attack) its prey to feed its cubs. I will be harassing him until he gives me an answer. Subject + was/were + 1st form of the verb + ing + object. Future Perfect Continuous: action before another action 6. Shall I help you with the housework? Present tenses. ; Will the company launch a skincare product? He ………………………….. (play) chess with his friend tomorrow. The children (play) hide and seek in the garden. (releasing) next Friday. 3. The thieves ……………………. Subject + will/shall + have + 3rd form of the verb + object, Subject + will/shall + net + have + 3rd form of the verb + object. The train had already left by the time I reached the station. (leave) before the prince came. I ……………………. (not visit) the doctor today. I _____ a hospital to help the poor when I grow up. The train ……………………. Future Continuous Tense Exercises With Answers Exercise1: 1. Future Tense Practice Exercises With Answers Pdf. 6. Subject + has/have + been + ¡st form of the verb + ing + since/for + time. Wh-family + Did + subject + 1st form of the verb + object + ? Subject Explanations: Present Continuous Tense Simple Present Rules Simple Present vs Continuous Simple Past Tense Past Continuous Tense Subject Exercises: Present Continuous Exercises 1 The driver of the car …………………… (apply) the brakes. 4. ⦠Mumbai Indians team ……………………. Students > Solutions > Intermediate > Grammar > Exercise 2 - Future perfect and future continuous. Exercises. What …………………… (be) you …………………… (do) at the railway station? You are here: >> Home >> Verb Tenses Practice >> Future Perfect vs Perfect Continuous Exercise Print exercises and lessons: Hint: For exercises, you can reveal the answers first ("Submit Worksheet") and print the page to have the exercise and the answers. Poorvi ……………………. (leave) the bus before it met with an accident. x��=ێ�F���|�f���� h �e�2���^�Z�l�z$u�|���s�E�H/U���&pK�x.U�~�����EvU�g�q|)+z9�^���?d/_d_�-�曯�����:{��w٫7/_|�#˪��ٛ/_����YV�\ /2��ٝ{�/n�)������7~�����Z participate in the competition? Prerna ……………………. Will/Shall + subject + have + 3rd form of the verb + object + ? The teacher …………………….. (has) just …………………….. (enter) the class. (do) her homework shortly. Free interactive exercises to practice online or download as pdf to print. Why ………………………. She ……………………….. (snore) all through. 4. When they ………………………. You ……………………. ; I will not drink coffee. The train …………………… (shake) violently before getting derailed. Free English online grammar exercises future tense. (has/have) you ………………………. Saheb’s family ……………………….. (wait) at the bus stop since 8 a.m. ………………………….. (will) you ………………………….. (run) the marathon tomorrow morning for six hours? Answers I came two minutes ago. you be ……………………. The minister ……………………. (visit) the school in the morning. She (send) Bruno the letter when she has time. Answers. When you meet me next, I ………………………….. (complete) my research shortly. Subject + did not + 1st form of the verb + object. My dog is rather silly; she is always looking out for an opportunity to forage the dustbin. Where …………………… (be) you …………………… (go) when your mother spotted you? 3 0 obj
celebrate wrap wait learn build bring calculate catch. The waiter …………………… (clear) the tables after dinner. My parents ……………………. Subject + Is/Am/Are + 1st form of the verb + ing + object. (purchase) the tickets before the distribution closed. My parents …………………….. (has/have) recently …………………….. (celebrate) their fifteenth anniversary. Sunita ……………………. The florist ……………………. (return) the book by tomorrow morning. Had + subject + 3rd form of the verb + object + ? Past Tense Exercises with Answers: A practice exercise having mixed sentences of simple past, past progressive, past perfect and past perfect progressive tense. I ………………………….. (revise) my syllabus by the end of the term. I …………………… (live) in the hostel for five years. Has/Have + subject + been + 1st form of the verb + ing + object +? These children ……………………….. (suffer) from this allergy for the past one year. Raju ……………………. Use contractions where possible. 5. Wh-family + do/does + subject + 1st form of the verb + object + ? Why he not …………………… (study) geography in school for so many days? (do) Ritesh ………………….. (love) the cold weather? (visit) the shrine by 6 o’clock. (visit) the palace before the arrival of the enemies. 2. (finish) the prayers before more people gathered at the church. The organisers ……………………. Exercise 3.1 Change the verbs to the future continuous tense . Review how to make the future continuous here. She ……………………. (arrive) by the morning flight tomorrow. My parents ……………………. <>
Download this quiz in PDF here. Continuous Tenses Exercise. The Future Continuous Exercise will be dancing A Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using the future continuous tense. …………………. Present Continuous (progressive) Tense mixed exercises with answers to learn and practice one of the most basic verb tenses of English language. Your email address will not be published. Future progressive - intermediate and advanced level esl. The Future Continuous Tense like the other continuous tense is used with a point of time. The priest ……………………. His parents ………………….. (plan) a trip abroad every six months. Parul ……………………….. (talk) on the phone for almost one hour. Usually, in the future progressive tense⦠My brother ……………………. Wh-family + was/were + subject + 1st form of the verb + ing + object + ? (help) her mother in the kitchen. In another ten years, bullet trains ……………………. THe Future Continuous Tense (Will/shall + be + Verb + ing) The Future Continuous Tense is used to express an event that is expected to take place in the normal course or at some time in the future ; asâ We shall be playing a football match on Sunday. The teachers ……………………….. (invigilate) for three hours. Future Tenses Exercise 1 Review how to make the future simple here , the future continuous here , the future perfect here and the future perfect continuous here. DOCUMENT PRACTICE PAST TENSES ANSWERS. (discover) a cure for cancer. My mother ……………………….. (visit) temples for two weeks now. 5. Download this quiz in PDF here. ; The manager is going to hold a seminar tomorrow. Complete the following sentences using the simple future tense forms of the verbs given in the brackets. Choose the correct verbs, using each tense once. (serve) the coffee after everyone finished their meals. Subject + has/have + 3rd form of the verb + object. <>>>
(become) a common sight. ………………………. The new edition of this book will be coming out shortly. Future Continuous Usage. She ………………….. (go) to her office with a friend. Attempt the following future perfect continuous tense exercises and then compare your answers with the correct answers given below, find your mistakes and rectify them.. More: Exercises Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises Exercise 1: Put the verbs into the correct form (future perfect progressive). We only use the future tense. In this article, weâll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more. I will hit you if you say that word again. Will/Shall + subject + have been + ¡st form of the verb ÷ ing + object +? Subject + will/shall + have been + 1st form of the verb + ing+ object, Subject + will/shall not + have been + ¡st form of the verb + ¡ng + object. (play) against Pune Supergiants on Thursday. Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. ; This watch will not cost much. 3. (finish) her cooking by the time I reach her place. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate continuous tense form. Note: The future progressive tense (also called future continuous tense) describes actions which will be ongoing in the future. The postman ………………………….. (deliver) the parcel next week. Shyam ………………………….. (reach) by evening time. Subject + has have + not + 3rd form of the verb + object. 1 A: I wonder if the kids are enjoying the party? A. Tenses Exercises or Class 6 CBSE With Answers Pdf We look _____ forward to mountain climbing in April. Letâs start! The doctor ………………………. (make) it on time, you would have got the job? (has) been ………………………. esl Who will be fishing with Brad ? 3. English: Future simple or continuous. %����
2. The man in the next room ……………………….. (sing) at 6 o’clock in the morning. When I get back, they will be eating lunch. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
; The gardener is going to plant the saplings. Subject + has/have + not + been ÷ ¡st form of the verb ÷ ing + since/for + time. We shall be spending money. Future Continuous Tense Exercises With Answers. The dignitaries …………………… (welcome) the guests. The movie ……………………. 1. Example: Puja will be reading a book at that time. The children ………………………. In this article, weâll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more. Sita …………………… (has) been …………………… (sit) at the computers for five hours when the bell rang. We ………………………….. (see) the ‘London Bridge’ by tonight. present simple and continuous exercises . I watch _____ a sports programme on TV. The waiter ………………………. Farmers (plucking) berries from the bushes. The grandmother …………………… (sit) in the sun for an hour. Live ) in the evening to study French he ………………………….. ( do ) you …………………… join! + duration 5 foreign assignment in a day or two he went school! 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