The treatises are nearly all anterior to the 7th century, and most appear to belong to the 3rd and 4th centuries; some are the work of authentic authors like Zosimus and Synesius, while of others, such as profess to be written by Moses, Democritus, Ostanes, &c., the authorship is clearly fictitious. The flection is in Active and the use as Main. Each simple form consists of a stem to which an ending is added. and in later sources; and although in Genesis the stories are now in a post-exilic setting (a stage earlier than Jubilees), the older portions may well belong to the 7th or 6th cent. The other tract, known as Categoriae decem, and taken at first for a translation of Aristotle's treatise, is really a rapid summary of it, and certainly does not belong to Augustine. the “aller” exception. Out of the total area of over 3,000,000,000 acres of land in Siberia, close upon 96% belong to the state, while the cabinet of the reigning emperor owns 114,700,000 acres (112,300,000 in the Altai and 2,400,000 in Nerchinsk) or nearly 4%. The flowers are bright. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. At Duba some limestones may belong to the Lower Cretaceous. I hear music coming from the Smith’s apartment. Learn more. You don’t belong here — get out. List of verbs that start with E with verb examples. Support the free Verbix verb conjugation services © Verbix 1995-2020. For example, in the sentence, "Shyla can ride her sister's bicycle," the helping verb can stands in front of ride, which is the main verb. In the province of Sergipe, on the east coast, the beds are approximately on the horizon of the Cenomanian; in the valley of the Amazon they belong to the highest parts of the Cretaceous system, and the fauna shows Tertiary affinities. We commonly use this phrasal verb to say that something is connected to something else or to a place or a time or a person.For example: Their hereditary chiefs, or capidans, belong to the family known as Dera e Jon Markut (the house of John Marco), which has ruled for 200 years and is supposed to be descended from Scanderbeg. In the sandstone Myophoria and other Triassic fossils have been found, and it appears to belong to the Rhaetic or Upper Trias. Regular verb: belong - belonged - belonged. The fragments do not all belong to one copy. To the first category belong the Commentarius in harmoniam historiae evangelicae de passione Christi (1617), the Comment, super priorem D. A careful examination, however, of the "we" sections shows that words and expressions characteristic of the author of the third Gospel and the Acts are found in them to an extent which is very remarkable, and that in many instances they belong to the very texture of the passages. He probably meant to imply that qualities have no existence apart from the subject to which they belong. The only river communication with foreign countries is furnished by the Danube, on the one hand towards Austria and Germany, and on the other towards the Black Sea, All the rivers belong to the watershed of the Danube, with the exception of the Poprad in the north, which as an affluent of the Dunajec flows into the Vistula, and of a few small streams near the Adriatic. pluralism, manifold parallel inconsistency may belong to the nature of fact. To belong is defined as being a member, to fit in or be suitable for. “Therefore cannabis, unlike drugs, which are synthetically made by man or derived from plant sources - such as heroin and cocaine, do not, “When she puts a comma in a sentence, adds an ellipsis, uses a semi-colon, you can bet it's a punctuation mark that, “Though it is the painful season of Christ's agony and death, it, “It is one of the most stunning buildings in the Clyde Valley and clearly, “But hereof let God be iudge, vnto whome the cause, “It is the first time in 23 years that all three city councillors in the ward have, Third-person singular simple present indicative form of. These are real sentences and sentences from the project Tatoeba. b) This property belongs/belong to us. The sculptures belong to a primitive period of art. Of these 11 governments, 17 - provinces and 1 district (Sakhalin) belong to Asiatic vincial Russia. To this category will belong the oviducts in Teleostean fishes and probably the gonad ducts in several groups of invertebrates. The private schools of this grade are still more numerous, and there are a number of special schools that belong to the same category. The influence of the Australian realm is indicated by a Megapode in Celebes, another in Borneo and Labuan, and a third in the Nicobar islands (which, however, like the Andamans, belong to the Indian province), but there are no cockatoos, these keeping strictly to the other side of Wallace's line, whence we started on this survey of the world's avifauna. verb intransitive (followed by to) To be the property of. The later philosophy of Schelling and the philosophy of Franz von Baader, both largely founded upon Boehme, belong rather to theosophy (q.v.) 2 verb You say that something belongs to a particular person when you are guessing, discovering, or ... grammar category or usage examples, and which can be searched through an index or a search engine. - MExoz0A The Merozoa, to which the ' ordinary tapeworms of man and domestic animals belong, includes the great majority of the Cestodes. Premium . A person like that does not belong in teaching. Marsyas, as well as Midas and Silenus, are associated in legend with Dionysus and belong to the cycle of legends of Cybele. They belong to the rich man who lives in the big white house there among the trees. Earn: He earns three times more than me. Some of the metamorphic rocks may belong to the older Palaeozoic period, but the greater part of the series is probably Archaean. The land tortoises chiefly belong to the genus Cynyxis. The stem is the part that carries the meaning of the verb. The picturesque Bureya Mountains above the Amur, the forest-clad Sikhota-alin on the Pacific, and the volcanic chains of Kamchatka belong, however, to quite another orographical construction, being the border-ridges of the terraces by which the great plateau formation descends to the depths of the Pacific Ocean. If your bones belong to someone who impregnated a young girl years ago, why do you care now? Crystals of azurite belong to the monoclinic system; they have a vitreous lustre and are translucent. The godwits belong to the group Limicolae, and are about as big as a tame pigeon, but possess long legs, and a long bill with a slight upward turn. (of a person) To be accepted in a group. In truth therefore these attributes do not belong to body at all; and if we go on in the same way testing the received qualities of matter, we shall find that in the last resort we understand nothing by it but extension, with the secondary and derivative characters of divisibility and mobility. The tendrils of a vetch and of a cucumber are analogous, and also homologous because they both belong to the category leaf; but they are only analogous to the tendrils of the vine and of the passion-flower, which belong to the category stem. He pretended as if he were (helping verb) sleeping. As such a novum salutis genus, the Crusades connect themselves with the history of the penitentiary system; as the foreign policy of the Church they belong to that clerical purification and direction of feudal society and its instincts, which appears in the institution of "God's Truce" and in chivalry itself. She didn't belong in his world, but she intrigued him. We use 'am' or 'was' with the pronoun 'I'. The Trias does not belong, as might have been expected, to the Alpine or Mediterranean type; but resembles that of Germany and northern Europe. It may belong, however, to the 2nd or 3rd centurie of the Christian era. The verb form is highlighted. The fisheries are important and some 600 smacks belong to the port. The hotel de ville dates from the 16th century, to which period many of the old mansions of Besancon also belong. With the same idea he built the temple of the Pythian Apollo and began, though he did not finish, the temple of Zeus (the magnificent columns now standing belong to the age of Hadrian). probably belong the earliest Parthian coins; the oldest simply bear the name Arsaces; others, evidently struck after the coronation in Asaak, have the royal title (ifictutMcos 'Apob.Kcv). Understanding Verbs. They are metamerically placed, and belong to the same metamere as the digestive caeca, thus alternating with the generative sacs. Nearly half of them belong to the state, and in them forestry has been carried out on a scientific basis since 1879. These people belong to the race which would seem to be the true aboriginal stock of southern Asia. The majority of the birds are of endemic species peculiar to different islets, while more than half belong to peculiar genera. These baboons appear to belong to the Nubian species, but they cannot be considered indigenous to any part of Tunisia. verb intransitive (followed by to) To be a part of a group. Verbs ending in -ir with present participle ending in -ant belong to the 3rd group. These ranges appear to belong to two systems. Conjugar verbo belong en inglés en todos los tiempos verbales: presente, pasado, futuro, subjuntivo, imperfecto y más. To the Ratitae belong possibly also the imperfectly known Diatryma, Eocene of New Mexico, Gastornis and Dasornis, Eocene of Europe, Genyornis, Pleistocene of Australia. List of Example Sentences. That house belongs to me. than to mysticism proper. - All articles of Greek costume belong either to the class of vhuµara, more or less close-fitting, sewn garments, or of irepc/3MhuaTa, loose pieces of stuff draped round the body in various ways and fastened with pins or brooches. 28 a descends entire in order of primogeniture, and by preference to the male heir; the emperor and his consort must belong to the Eastern Orthodox Church; the emperor can wear no crown that entails residence abroad. With the exception of Wangeroog, which belongs to the grand duchy of Oldenburg, the East Frisian Islands belong to Prussia. ), while those of Caucasian petroleum belong for the most part to the naphthenes, isomeric with the olefines (q.v.). The Ypanema mine and ironworks, near Sorocaba, Sao Paulo, which belong to the national government, have been in operation since 1810, and small charcoal forges were in operation in colonial times and supplied the mines with a considerable part of the iron needed by them. Inalienable nouns, on the other hand, refer to something that is possessed definitely. More than one helping verb can be used in a sentence. belong (intransitive) To have its proper place. The tributaries of the lower half of this great river, which belong to the Atlantic coast region, are small and often dry, but the upper river where the rainfall is heavier and more regular receives several large affluents. What is understood by a" tone " in this language is distinguished in reality, not by the number of sonorous vibrations which belong to it, but rather by a use of the vocal apparatus special to each. The latter is, no doubt, identical with the similar sandstone series which is found in the neighbouring Brazilian province of Rio Grande do Sul, and which has there yielded plants which prove it to belong to the Permian or the upper part of the Carboniferous. Examples of Double Object. Russia has no oceanic possessions; her islands are all appendages of the mainland to which they belong. The sierra or upland Indians, the most numerous and strongest type, belong largely to the Quichua and Aymara. ; cus. Dusty looked around them, gaze settling on the only car on the streets that didn't belong to him and wasn't on blocks. To the first class, with the optic axial plane perpendicular to the plane of symmetry, belong muscovite, lepidolite, paragonite, and a rare variety of biotite called anomite; the second class includes zinnwaldite, phlogopite, lepidomelane and most biotites. Incorrect : Sohra play the guitar every day. It doesn't matter what I feel, Rhyn, when I know I don't belong in this world or here with you, and I know without a doubt I won't survive, even if you find some place on another planet to stash me! Encourage: John encouraged Mary to learn how to speak French. The greater part of the inhabitants belong to the Church of England, which exceeds in numbers the combined total of all other denominations. Add to list. At Bajo de Velis, in San Luis, the plants belong to the " Glossopteris flora," which is so widely spread in South Africa, India and Australia, and the beds are correlated with the Karharbari series of India (Permian or Permo-Carboniferous). Let’s begin with the 12 most common and important rules of Subject-Verb Agreement: Subject = underlined Verb = Italicized. The commoner European slugs of small size all belong to the genus Limax, in which the opening of the mantle-chamber is posterior. Real sentences showing how to use Belong correctly. Dictionary. (iii.) Present Tense. (intransitive, followed by to) To be part of, or the property of. The inconsistencies between the real and the epic Guillaume are often left standing in the poems. He had merely understood that the woman he had known as a child, of whom when her beauty was mentioned he had said absent-mindedly: "Yes, she's good looking," he had understood that this woman might belong to him. That could only descend in the family to which he had ceased to belong. Examples for using the conjugation of the verb gehören. They date from 1605 and now belong to an English company. There are a number of large towns in the state, but the census returns include their populations in those of the municipios (communes) to which they belong. We use the simple tenses for them. Diamond is the hardest substance. belong. The best Sienese historians belong to the 16th century. Demons, when they are regarded as spirits, may belong to either of the classes of spirits recognized by primitive animism; that is to say, they may be human, or non-human, separable souls, or discarnate spirits which have never inhabited a body; a sharp distinction is often drawn between these two classes, notably by the Melanesians, the West Africans and others; the Arab jinn, for example, are not reducible to modified human souls; at the same time these classes are frequently conceived as producing identical results, e.g. Verbs and nouns have a lot of fixed collocations that are set phrases. (Can we add an example for this sense?) "Oh, there is no need of that," said the voice, which from its gentle tones seemed to belong to a young girl. at Spalato and on the island of Lesina) has been shown by modern archaeologists to belong to the Roman period. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo belong to the Renaissance era. Their power extended to the Mediterranean, and we possess a large number of contemporaneous monuments in the shape of contracts and similar business documents, as well as chronological tables, which belong to their reigns. She didn't belong in the human world anymore, and yet, she couldn't just dump it. The groundwork, so far as it can be ascertained, and the grammar are Indo-European, but a large number of words have been borrowed from the Latin or Italian and Greek, and it is not always easy to decide whether the mutilated and curtailed forms now in use represent adopted words or belong to the original vocabulary. The lakes of Bolsena (Vulsiniensis), of Bracciano (Sabatinus), of Vico (Ciminus), of Albano (Albanus), of Nemi (Nemorensis), and other smaller lakes belong to this district; while between its south-west extremity and Monte Circello the Pontine Marshes form a broad strip of alluvial soil infested by malaria. These belong to the families Rhipidophoridae and Meloidae. 61. In the writings of the alchemists we find the words misy, sory, chalcanthum applied to alum as well as to iron sulphate; and the name atramentum sutorium, which ought to belong, one would suppose, exclusively to green vitriol, applied indifferently to both. These belong chiefly to the Apocynaceous order. The population is shown as follows: - Of the inhabitants, who belong to the Lower Saxon (NiederSachsen) race and in daily intercourse mostly speak the Low German (Plattdeutsch) dialect, about two-thirds are natives of the state and one-third immigrants from other parts of Germany, chiefly from Hanover and Oldenburg. Now, however, I see the folly of attempting to hitch one's wagon to a star with harness that does not belong to it. To the Pisan period belong a number of fine Romanesque churches, among which may be specially mentioned those of Ardara, S. The Plea of the Midsummer Fairies (1827) and a dramatic romance, Lamia, published later, belong to this time. Complex-transitive verbs in English include believe, consider, declare, elect, find, judge, keep, know, label, make, name, presume, pronounce, prove, rate, regard, and think. To the east of the gorge the wall still follows the edge of low cliffs of the, coast, and continues to do so all along the east side of Achradina 1 The date of the fragment of city wall immediately to the north-east of the so-called palaestra is uncertain; it is therefore doubtful whether it can belong to this system of defences (Lupus, pp. To the Windward Islands belong Tapamanu or Majaiti (Wallis's Sir Charles Saunders's Island and Spanish Pelada); Moorea or Eimeo (Wallis's Duke of York Island and Spanish San Domingo); Tahiti - Cook's Otaheite (probably Quiros's Sagittaria; Wallis's King George's Island, Bougainville's Nouvelle Cythere and Spanish Isla d'Amat); Tetuaroa - "The Distant Sea" (? Conjugation. In public or government land the minerals as well as surface belong to the state, and not infrequently these rights have been separated by law and granted or otherwise disposed of to different owners. The later beds of the island belong to the Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary systems. In the aeneolithic necropolis of Anghelu Ruju, near Alghero, of 63 skulls, 53 belong to the" Mediterranean " dolico-mesocephalic type and i o to a Eurasian brachycephalic type of Asiatic origin, which has been found in prehistoric tombs of other parts of Europe. There are considerable remains of an aqueduct, an amphitheatre and a theatre (the latter excavated in 1880 - see Notizie degli scavi, 1880, 290, 35 0, 379), all of which belong to the imperial period, while in the hill on which the village of S. The equites equo privato were abolished (according to Herzog, not till the reign of Tiberius) and the term equites was officially limited to the equites equo publico, although all who possessed the property qualification were still considered to belong to the "equestrian order.". Learning verb and noun collocations is one of the best ways to make your English sound more natural. (usually followed by to): He belongs to the Knights of Columbus. Correct: Sohra plays the guitar every day. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. c. 82) belong to the Church courts; but not questions of lapse or stipend. Sentences with verb gehören. Throughout his researches Faraday paid special regard to the medium as the true seat of magnetic action, being to a large extent guided by his pregnant conception of " lines of force," or of induction, which he considered to be " closed curves passing in one part of the course through, the magnet to which they belong, and in the other part through space," always tending to shorten themselves, and repelling one another when they were side by side (Exp. It is noteworthy that the psalms. To the first half of that century belong the statutes of the fraternities of Cambridge, Abbotsbury and Exeter. For example, in the sentence, "Shyla can ride her sister's bicycle," the helping verb can stands in front of ride, which is the main verb. For example: He and his family belong to a Baptist church. Some of the plants are European forms, others belong to the Glossopteris flora characteristic of India and South Africa. The Adige, formed by the junction of two streams—the Etsch or Adige proper and the Eisak, both of which belong to Tirol rather than to Italy—descends as far as Verona, where it enters the great plain, with a course from north to south nearly parallel to the rivers last described, and would seem likely to discharge its waters into those of the Po, but below Legnago it turns eastward and runs parallel to the Po for about 40 m., entering the Adriatic by an independent mouth about 8 m. The lakes of Central Italy, which are comparatively of trifling dimensions, belong to a wholly different class. Most of the buildings belong to the Renaissance; except the castle, the 14th-century Palazzo Pubblico, and the portals of two or three churches, especially that of S. Those of the north-west belong to the Mersey, and those of the north-east to the Don, but all the others to the Trent, which, like the Don, falls into the Humber. It lies in a valley between the hills of Birkenberg and Heiliger Berg, and in its neighbourhood are the lead and silver mines which belong to the Austrian government and are worked in nine shafts, two of which, the Adalbert shaft (3637 ft.) and the Maria shaft, (3575 ft.) are the deepest in the world. It appears but little in history, though its importance is vouched for by numerous inscriptions, the majority of which belong to the early Empire. These mosquitoes or gnats - the terms are synonymous - belong to the family Culicidae and the genus Anopheles, which was first classified by Meigen in 1818. Many milestones belonging to the road from Carales to Olbia have been found, but all but one of them (which was seen at Valentia) belong to the portion of the road within 12 m. of the latter place, so that they might belong to either line (see Olbia). Singular I belong You belong He/she/it belongs Plural We belong You belong They belong 2. (usually followed by to): He belongs to the Knights of Columbus. • Could it be that some of us might like it better if they stayed where they belong? • Toussaint had no toys and never asked to play with those belonging to others. The Pipridae, however, have no close affinity with the Paridae, 1 but belong to another great division of the order Passeres, the Clamatores group of the Anisomyodae. (of a person) To be accepted in a group. The majority of the species belong to the family Pulicidae, of which P. irritans maybe taken as the type; but the order also includes the Sarcopsyllidae, the females of which fix themselves firmly to their host, and the Ceratopsyllidae, or bat-fleas. The subject which wholly engrossed Natasha's attention was her family: that is, her husband whom she had to keep so that he should belong entirely to her and to the home, and the children whom she had to bear, bring into the world, nurse, and bring up. Stative verbs are verbs that express a state rather than an action. To this class belong some of the terriers and most of the toy dogs. Translation. Several other works bearing upon ornithology in general, but of less importance than most of those just named, belong to this period. Noun phrases. The neighbouring gardens belong to the Royal Horticultural Society. His immense contributions to anatomy and pathology cannot be estimated here, but his services in stimulating research and training investigators belong to the history of general medicine. Stems and endings Verb groups and verb morphology in French. Must in the last sentence is an example of a modal verb. The Albigensian Crusades, however, belong to French history; and it can only be noted here that their ultimate result was the absorption of the fertile lands, and the extinction of the peculiar civilization, of southern France by the northern monarchy. To this period also belong the labours of Richard Pococke and Richard Dalton, Richard Chandler, E. But the numerous vertically excavated tombs outside the walls are of late date and belong for the most part to the Roman period. I want you to accept that you belong here, and I want to hear the words. We belong to different camps, but that does not prevent my esteeming her as she deserves. All rights reserved. Some examples of prepositional verbs in English are Belong to, work for, suffer from, smile at, cover with, trust in, and Think about.. (be properly placed) ficar vt verbo transitivo: Verbos que possuem complemento, direto ou indireto. How terrible it must be to hunger for things that belong to someone else – especially when one of those things is your own daughter. The Mahrattas have always been a separate nation or people, and still regard themselves as such, though nowadays they are almost all under British or Mahommedan jurisdiction; that is, they belong either to British India or to the nizam's dominions. Works of this description probably belong to the period when Egypt passed under Roman domination, as similar objects, though of inferior delicacy, appear to have been made in Rome. verb intransitive (followed by to) To be a part of a group. It has, moreover, been pointed out that had the Malays been driven southwards by the stronger races of the mainland of Asia, it might be expected that the people inhabiting the country nearest to the border between Siam and Malaya would belong to the Malayan and not to the Mon-Annam or Mon-Khmer stock. It consists of a series of plateaus formed of sedimentary rocks which mainly belong to three formations of widely separated ages, and which rest on a platform of granitic and metamorphic rocks. 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